
By submitting your booking form, you are committing your organisation to attend our event and to pay the agreed fee. If your circumstances change and you need to cancel, this is possible but we will still charge a fee, depending on when the cancellation is made:

  • Less than one calendar month before the event - full fee is charged
  • More than one calendar month before the event - half the fee is charged

Please note that by submitting your booking form, you are agreeing to these terms.

Free stand holders, e.g. Charities, start-ups (only offered at certain events)

By submitting your booking form, you are committing your organisation to attend our event. If your circumstances change and you either cancel or do not attend, the Careers Service reserves the right to make a charge for your cancellation/non-attendance:

  • If you cancel more than one month before the event - £75 + VAT
  • If you cancel less than one month before the event, or do not attend - £150 + VAT

Please note, that by submitting your booking form, you are agreeing to these terms.

Stand details

We expect standard industry exhibition display banners to be used - if your display is different/unusual, please contact Alex Ashbee prior to the event on or +44 (0)20 7594 6014.

We reserve the right to refuse any oversized/non-approved stands.

Additionally, we reserve the right to limit display stands to display banners (smaller popup banners). Due to the popularity of our fairs we may revise the floor plan in order to accommodate as many companies as possible.


The events that the Careers Service provides are considered to form part of a professional and learning environment, and therefore should offer the same protections, opportunities and welcome to all participants. With this in mind, we adhere to the Imperial Conference policy - which sets out a code of conduct, and considerations of equality, diversity and inclusion for those planning and participating in events.

Indemnity for injury and damage to property

Except in circumstances where Imperial College London is proven to be negligent, in consideration of the university permitting the applicant to use the room(s) (whether on payment of a fee or otherwise) the applicant agrees, both on his own behalf and on behalf of the organisation, that he will be responsible for and will release and indemnify the university, its servants and agents from and against all liability for:- (a) personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise); (b) loss or damage to property and; (c) any other loss, damage, cost or expenses; which may arise in any manner howsoever which but for the exercise of such permission would not have arisen. Members of the university and visitors are advised that the university does not accept responsibility for any loss of personal property by theft or otherwise.

Employer property

  • The organisers accept no responsibility for any loss or damage from any cause whatever, in respect to any property brought or sent to events premises
  • The organisers accept no responsibility for loss or damage to property (including personal property) brought on to College premises
  • The organisers accept no responsibility for equipment or materials left behind after the event

Circumstances beyond our control

The Careers Service is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event. Imperial College London shall assume no liability whatsoever should an event be cancelled, rescheduled, or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, student protests/demonstrations, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this event impracticable or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: fire, labour strike, bomb alert, building evacuation, weather conditions or other emergency.