
Student Wellbeing Advisers within the Faculty of Engineering provide a space for you to discuss anything that’s on your mind in confidence. Occasionally, we may need to share information with other key staff to support you, but we will try check this with you first. For example, we may need to discuss your mitigation with the Senior Tutor. However, if there is a need to act without a student’s prior consent because there is an immediate risk of harm to the student themselves or others, we may have to extend confidentiality and include key individuals, usually the Senior Tutor or Faculty Senior Tutor/Safeguarding Officer or GP. By agreeing to the first meeting, you consent to these terms.

Student Wellbeing Advisers are organised by department. Find yours:

*Naomi Jackson-Macfarlane is available to provide confidential support for Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority students across the Faculty of Engineering. Regardless of your reason, if you would feel more comfortable talking about race or your specific experience to a member of staff who is also an Ethnic minority, please get in touch.
