The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Post Conflict Trauma; PrOTeCT, is a collaborative grant between Imperial College London (UK), the University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka) and the American University of Beirut (Lebanon). It brings together expertise in trauma practice, engineering and clinical research.    

Trauma predominantly affects the young and so accounts for more productive years of work lost than other illness. 90% of trauma occurs in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) with a high proportion due to war and conflict. Post-conflict trauma has a large and visible bearing on health outcomes with a high impact on mortality rates, injuries, ill-health, and psychological damage. It is essential that the best health care is provided to trauma patients. Good medical care saves lives, increases functional outcomes, provides independence and enhances quality of life.

Landmine explosions are one of the leading causes of traumatic amputation in Sri Lanka. Ninety percent of Sri Lanka’s estimated 160,000 amputees lack proper prosthetic limbs and as such are denied a suitable quality of life following injury. Our aim of developing and clinically deploying appropriate technology for limb salvage will change this. Building on our prior work we will seek to develop a thriving research community between the UK, Sri Lanka and Lebanon.

The clinical goal for this NIHR Group is limb salvage for victims of conflict trauma. Within the lifetime of the grant, and beyond, we hope to deliver measurable benefits to people in LMIC countries who have suffered injuries as a result of conflicts.

Logo showing the word 'protect' which incorporates prosthetics and devices

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Trauma Bioengineering Network then please contact Dr Lucy Foss
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 2765
How to find us