A more complete list of publications

  • Besant C.B., Ristic M., Champ P., Jansen E-P.,Hancke T.A., and Hatzikonstantis L. “Manufacturing Systems”. J of Integrated Manufacturing Systems October 1990.
  • Ristic M. and Brujic D., Efficient Registration of NURBS Geometry, International Journal of Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 15, 1997, pp925-935.
  • Brujic D. and Ristic M., Monte Carlo Simulation and Analysis of Free Form Surface Registration, Proc. IMechE, Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 211, 1997, pp 605-617.
  • Ristic M. and Brujic D., A Framework for Non-Contact Measurement and Analysis of NURBS Surfaces, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 14, 1997, pp 210-219.
  • Ainsworth I., Ristic M. and Brujic D., CAD-Based Measurement Path Planning for Free-Form Shapes Using Contact Probes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 16, 2000, pp 23-31
  • Besant C.B., Ristic M., Tarazi K and Olama, I., AO COMPASS: Computer-Assisted Surgery System, in Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery, ed. LP Nolte and R Ganz, Hogrefe & Hubert, 1999, ISBN 0-88937-168-7, pp104-113.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D., and Handayani S., Triangulation of Unordered Data Using Trimmed NURBS Models, Journal of Materials processing Technology, 107 (1-3): 60-70 Nov 22 2000 .
  • Rupp T. M. and Ristic M., Fine Planning for Supply Chains in Semiconductor Manufacture, Journal of Materials processing Technology, 107, 2000, pp 390-397.
    Ristic M., Brujic D., Handayani S. and., CAD-Based Triangulation of Unordered Data Using Trimmed NURBS Models, Proc. I. Mech.E. Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 214 Part B, pp509-514, 2000.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D. and Handayani S., Efficient CAD-Based Triangulation of Unordered 3D Data, Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 12, No.2, pp 98-106, 2000.
    Zhou Q, Ristic M. and Besant C.B., Design of Information Management system for Semiconductor virtual Enterprises, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 16, 2000, pp 909-916.
  • Löh H., Rupp T.M. and Ristic M., System Architectures for Coordination in Complex Supply Networks, Advances in Networked Enterprises, Virtual Organisations, Balanced Automation, and Systems Integration, ed. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Heinz-H. Erbe, September 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7958-6
  • Ristic M., Ainsworth I. and Brujic D., CAD Based CMM probe Radius Compensation for Free-Form Surfaces, Proc. I. Mech. Eng. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 215 Part B, pp 819-834, 2001.
  • Brujic D, Ristic M. and Ainsworth I., Measurement-Based Modification of NURBS Surfaces, Computer Aided Design .Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 173-266 ,March 2002.
  • Brujic D., Ristic M., and Ainsworth I., Efficient Shape Description using NURBS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2059, The Proceedings volume, "Visual Form 2001" is edited by C.Arcelli, L.P.Cordella and G.Sanniti di Baja, Springer-Verlag , 2001
  • Xu, H., Ristic, M. and Besant, C.B., A system for enhancing supply chain agility through exception handling, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp 1099-1114, 2003.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D., and Ainsworth I., Measurement-based updating of turbine blade CAD models: a case study, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp 352-363, June 2004
  • Lambourne J., Brujic D. and Ristic M., An Efficient Algorithm for Solving the Point Projection Problem, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, Seattle WA, 10-13 November 2003.
  • Brujic D. and Ristic M., Analysis of Free Form Surface Registration, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP-96, Lausanne, Switzerland, 16-19 September 1996.
  • Leach N.P. and Ristic, M., ‘Capacity Models for scheduling the virtual enterprise’, Proceedings of the 1997 IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and Control of production and Logistics, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 31 August- 3 September 1997, pp265-270.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D. and Moeljono, T., “Efficient CAD-based Visualisation of Unordered Data”, International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV'98,IEEE workshop on Model Based 3D Image Analysis, 6th Bombay, India, January 4-7, 1998.
  • Ainsworth I., Ristic M. and Brujic D., Visual Cad-Based Measurement and Path Planning For Free-Form Shapes, The 7-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualisati on and Interactive Digital Media'99, WSCG ’99, Prague, Czech Republic, February 8-12, 1999.
  • Rupp T. M. and Ristic M., Fine Planning for Supply Chains in Semiconductor Manufacture, 15-th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, CAPE ’99, Durham, UK, 19-21 April 1999.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D. and Handayani S., CAD-Based Triangulation of Unordered Data Using Trimmed NURBS Models, 15-th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, CAPE ’99, Durham, UK, 19-21 April 1999.
  • Ristic M., Brujic D. and Ainsworth I., Precision Reconstruction of Manufactured Free-Form Components, to be presented in 12th Annual International Symposium SPIE Electronic Imaging 2000, San Jose, California, 22-28 January 2000.
  • Rupp T.M., Löh H. and Ristic M., Decentralised Manufacturing Co-ordination in Complex Supply Networks, 6th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ICE2000 , Toulouse 28-30 June 2000
  • Löh H., Rupp T.M. and Ristic M., System Architectures for Coordination in Complex Supply Networks, Fourth IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacture and Transportation, Berlin, Germany, 27-29 September 2000.
  • Brujic D., Ristic M., and Ainsworth I., Efficient Shape Description using NURBS, IWVF4 4th International Workshop On Visual Form, Capri, Italy, May 28-30, 2001.
  • Ainsworth I, Brujic D. and Ristic M., Surface Modification Based On The Locally Measured Data, EuroConference on CAE Integration - Tools, Trends and Technologies (ECITTT), University of Cambridge, 29 March 2001 - 1 April 2001.
  • T.M. Rupp and M. Ristic, Determination and Exchange Of Supply Information for Co-Operation In Complex Production Networks, IMS'2001 - 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya, Turkey, 30-31 August 2001.
  • Brujic D. and Ristic M., NURBS Fitting Through Large Sets of Scattered Data, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, Sacramento, California, 5-8 November 2001.
  • Ristic , M., Haynes, C. Brujic, D. and Ainsworth, I., Remodelling of Freeform Engineering CAD Geometry from Point Data, DET-2002, 1st CIRP (UK) International Seminar on ‘Digital Enterprise Technology’, Durham, UK, 16–17 September 2002.
  • Lambourne J., Brujic D. and Ristic M., An Efficient Algorithm for Solving the Point Projection Problem, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, Seattle WA, 10-13 November 2003.

Contact us

Dr. Mihailo Ristic
Senior Lecturer
T: +44 (0)207 594 7048
E: m.ristic@imperial.ac.uk

Dr. Djorje Brujic
Research Fellow
T: +44 (0)207 594 7175
E: d.brujic@imperial.ac.uk