Aerial Robotics Lab
Welcome to the Aerial Robotics Laboratory

Aerial Additive Building Manufacturing is a UK EPSRC funded research project that will develop an aerial robotic construction system that enables aerial robots to 3D print building structures autonomously

Dive into the world of autonomous flying robots and join us in our endeavour to develop the next generation of flying robots. We focus on a range of applications that include search and rescue, in-situ repair with flying robots, environmental monitoring and exploration of hazardous environments.

Our new drone testing facility, the £1.25m Brahmal Vasudevan Aerial Robotics Lab will allow development and testing of next-generation flying robots. The facility is currently under construction and is due to be completed in Summer 2017

The autonomous construction agents that we developed were exhibited in the semi-permanent antenna gallery at the London Science museum for 9 months, allowing the museum's approximately 1 million visitors to interact with the technology.