
PhD students

Kelvin Cheng

Kelvin Cheng

Christian Jane Ippel

Christian Jane Ippel

Ben Preston

Ben Preston

Mario Sinani

Mario Sinani

Hui Ling Wong

Hui Ling Wong



Past PhD students
Year Thesis Subsequently at... 
Dr Stefanie Düssler 2024

Nonlinear aeroservoelastic modelling for design and performance evaluation of gust load alleviation systems for flexible air vehicles 

Pilatus Aircraft
Dr Norberto Goizueta 2022 Parametric Reduced-Order Aeroelastic Modelling for Analysis, Dynamic System Interpolation and Control of Flexible Aircraft  BCG X
Dr Arturo Muñoz 2021 Vortex-lattice-based nonlinear aeroservoelastic modelling and analysis of large floating wind turbines LM Wind Power
Dr Marc Artola 2021 Minimal nonlinear modal aeroelastic descriptions for highly flexible aircraft control Mercedes AMG F1
Dr Pedro Gomes 2021 A high performance open-source framework for multiphysics simulation and adjoint based shape and topology optimization Luminary Cloud
Dr Alvaro Cea Esteban 2021 A geometrically nonlinear approach for the aeroelastic analysis of commercial transport aircraft Imperial College London
Dr Charanya Venkatesan-Crome 2021 A coupled discrete adjoint method for optimal design with dynamic non-linear fluid structure interactions Mercedes AMG F1
Dr Alfonso del Carre 2020 Aeroelasticity of very flexible aircraft at low altitudes Skydweller
Dr Alvaro Gonzalez  2018 Unsteady modelling of 2D airfoils in practical applications of large wind turbines National Centre for Renewable Energy, Spain (CENER)
Dr Ruben Sanchez  2017 A Coupled Adjoint Method for Optimal Design in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Large Displacements  TU Kaiserslautern
Dr Salvatore Maraniello  2017 Optimal manoeuvres and aeroservoelastic co-design of very flexible wings Imperial College London
Dr Stefano Buoso  2016 High-fidelity modelling and feedback control of bio-inspired membrane wings University of Zurich
Dr Rob Simpson  2016 Unsteady aerodynamics, reduced-order modelling, and predictive control in linear and nonlinear aeroelasticity Imperial College London
Dr Yinan Wang  2015 Aeroelastic modelling and control of very flexible air vehicles using a nonlinear modal formulation University of Warwick
Dr Bing Feng Ng  2014 Model-based aeroservoelastic design and load alleviation of large wind turbines Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr Julian Dizy  2014 Homogenisation of slender periodic composite structures Computational Modelling Cambridge Ltd
Dr Sara Arbos  2013 Aeromechanical performance of compliant aerofoils  CNES, Poitiers
Dr Henrik Hesse  2013 Consistent aeroelastic linearization and ROM in the dynamics of manoeuvring flexible aircraft  ETH, Zurich
Dr Robert Cook  2012 Robust control of high-altitude long-endurance UAVs using novel lift effectors University of Bristol
Dr Joseba Murua  2012 Flexible aircraft dynamics with a geometrically-nonlinear description of the unsteady aerodyn University of Surrey
Summary of the table's contents

Contact us

Prof Rafael Palacios

Room 338, City & Guilds Building
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ


Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5075