ACCA Workshop update 2021

The usual program of workshop activities of the ACCA group, whose history can be been in all the links to previous workshops below, has been affected in the last two years by two circumstances. First, the Imperial ACCA group was involved in organizing a successful 4-month program at the Newton Institute in Cambridge which ran between Sep-Dec 2019. Information on that meeting can be found here. It was entitled "Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations" and featured a wide range of events, including 3 one-week workshops - see the image below from the Newton Institute (INI) website. The talks delivered as part of that program are all viewable at the INI website.

Shortly after that 4-month event finished, normal activity was stalled by the COVID emergency. At the time of writing (April 2021), we are planning to relaunch regular ACCA workshop activities in the near future. Please watch this space!

Newton Institute Workshop Sep-Dec 2019
The ACCA group was involved in organising this 4-month program at the INI, Cambridge

UCL Early Career Online Workshop

Our partner ACCA node at UCL has recently organized an online event aimed at early career researchers interested in applied and computational complex analysis. The flyer from the last event, in early 2021, is reproduced below (see here for the original posting). Similar events are planned for the future.

UCL Early Career

Previous ACCA Workshops

Second International ACCA-UK/ACCA-BR Workshop 


Thursday May 24 2018
Imperial College London

Organisers: Darren Crowdy and Sheehan Olver

Venue: Huxley Building, Imperial College London 
[Talks with be held in Room 140 Huxley
Coffee breaks will take place in Room 747 Huxley]

Invited speakers:

  • "Colloquium": Prof. Elisabeth Guazzelli (Aix-Marseille U., CNRS, France)
  • "Colin Pillinger LectureProf. Bruno Carneiro Da Cunha (UFPE, Brazil)
  • Prof. Nicholas Moore (Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA)
  • Prof. Giovani Vasconcelos (UFPR, Brazil)
  • Dr. Matthew Turner (Univ. of Surrey, UK)
  • T. Anselmo da Silva (UFPE, Brazil)
  • Dr. Eric Keaveny (Imperial College London)

The program and booklet of abstracts are now available.

COLLOQUIUM TALK: "Falling clouds of particles"

"Riemann-Hilbert problems to link flow-driven erosion, dissolution and melting"




"Numerical simulation of fluid sloshing in rectangular vessels using conformal mapping"





PILLINGER LECTURE: "The isomonodromic approach for constructing conformal maps"





Everybody is welcome to attend. However, for organizational purposes, to register your interest in attending, please send an email to Jordan Hauge.

Sponsors: Jointly funded by the Royal Society and the Department of Mathematics

The Fourth Annual ACCA-JP/UK Workshop took place at Kyoto university in Japan between March 26. and 27. 2018. 

The ACCA Workshop will take place at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, between May 8-12, 2017. More details about this event can be found here.

Entrance of 58 Prince's Gate

Third International ACCA-UK/ACCA-JP Workshop

March 13 and 14 2017
Imperial College London

Organisers: Professor Darren Crowdy (Imperial), Professor Takashi Sakajo (Kyoto) 

Venue: 58 Prince's Gate, Imperial College London 

Sponsors: Japan Science and Technology agency (JST) and EPSRC (via Departmental Platform Grant) The third joint meeting of the ACCA-UK and ACCA-JP networks will take place in March 2017 in London. This 2-day event will unite researchers in the general area of applied and computational complex analysis from the two countries in an informal meeting aimed at encouraging new collaborations and the sharing of ideas and methodologies.

Registration: everybody is welcome, and there is no registration fee, but all non-speakers who are planning to come along should send an email to Jordan Hauge ( to notify him of which day/days you plan to attend (for organizational purposes).

Cheese and Wine Welcome Reception: 6pm - 7.30pm, Monday March 13, Room 747, Huxley Building. All participants are welcome to attend.

ACCA Banquet: A 3-course banquet dinner will be held on Tuesday March 14 at 170 Queen's Gate, with drinks from 6.30pm. All speakers are welcome to attend. Other workshop participants interested in attending the banquet should email Jordan Hauge ( There is no charge for the banquet, but spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Program: Booklet of abstracts. The schedule of the meeting is here.

Presentation slides: A zip file containing the presentation slides from some of the speakers can be downloaded by clicking the link: 

Partial list of speakers:

  • Edward Saff, (Vanderbilt, USA)
  • Saleh Tanveer (Ohio State, USA)
  • Takashi Sakajo (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Bruno Carneiro da Cunha (UFPE, Recife)
  • Takaaki Nara (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Koya Sakakibara (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Michael Chen (Oxford, UK)
  • Elliott Ginder (Hokkaido, Japan)
  • David Hewett (UCL, UK)
  • Daisuke Furihata (Osaka, Japan)
  • Tomoo Yokoyama (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Tomoki Uda (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Dimitrios Askitis (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Photos from the event: 

Ed Saff and Walter Hayman
Ed Saff and Walter Hayman attending the workshop














Darren Crowdy
Darren Crowdy chairing the second day














Guests from ACCA Japan enjoying banquet
Our guests from ACCA-JP enjoying the banquet













Guests enjoying banquet
Guests successfully ignoring the photographer












Guests enjoying banquet
Our colleagues from UFPE, University of Copenhagen, UCL and Ohio State enjoying the banquet













Guests enjoying banquet
Organisers along with guests enjoying the food and wine



The Second International ACCA-JP/UK Workshop took place at Kyoto University in Japan between January 18-19, 2016.

More details about this event can be found here.

Photo album:























































































The First International Research Meeting on Applied and Computational Complex Analysis took place in Recife, Brazil between December 9-11, 2015.

This meeting aimed at discussing some of the current research challenges on applied complex analysis and to provide an informal environment to foster new collaborations and the exchange of ideas and methodologies. Topics of interest included, but were not limited to, free-boundary problems, Hele-Shaw flows, vortex dynamics, growth models, Liouville field theory, integrable systems, etc.

Link for this event (including invited speakers, schedule of talks etc.)


Photo album:

Prof. Alexander Vasiliev and Prof. Bjorn Gustafsson









Prof. Irina Markina and Prof. Bjorn Gustafsson

Prof. Giovani Vasconcelos and Dr. Rhodri Nelson

Prof. Bruno Carneiro da Cunha and Prof. Giovani Vasconcelos

Prof. Darren Crowdy



Prof. Mark Mineev-Weinstein



Prof. Darren Crowdy and Prof. Stefan Llewellyn-Smith

Prof. Saleh Tanveer and Prof. Stefan Llewellyn-Smith

Prof. Darren Crowdy, Prof. Saleh Tanveer, Brazilian contemporary sculptor Francois Brennand and Prof. Giovani Vasconcelos

The ACCA Workshop  "Computational complex analysis for free surface flows" took place at University College London between April 20-22, 2015. Details can be found here.


First International ACCA-UK/ACCA-JP Workshop

March 12 and 13 2015
Imperial College London

Organisers: Professor Darren Crowdy (Imperial), Professor Takashi Sakajo (Kyoto)
Venue: The Billiard Room at 58 Prince's Gate, Imperial College London 
Sponsors: Japan Science and Technology agency (JST) and EPSRC (via Departmental Platform Grant) The first joint meeting of the ACCA-UK and ACCA-JP networks will take place in March 2015 in London. This 2-day event will unite researchers in the general area of applied and computational complex analysis from the two countries in an informal meeting aimed at encouraging new collaborations and the sharing of ideas and methodologies.

Registration: everybody is welcome, and there is no registration fee, but all non-speakers who are planning to come along should send an email to Elena Luca ( to notify her of which day/days you plan to attend (for organizational purposes).

Accommodation: For all accommodation enquiries and reservations, the Imperial College Reservations Office will be happy to help. Please click here to see a list of local hotels. Also feel free to directly contact:

Fu Mei Chen, Reservation Sales Agent,  Imperial College London
 T: +44 (0)20 7594 9511
 F: +44 (0)20 7594 9505

Programme: Full Programme 2015 (including abstracts)

Participants: a list of participants is updated regularly


Darren Crowdy
Opening remarks by Prof. Darren Crowdy


Dai Okano
Prof. Dai Okano

















Everett Kropf
Dr. Everett Kropf










Koya Sakakibara
Koya Sakakibara










Oliver Southwick
Oliver Southwick










Dr. Rhodri Nelson
Dr. Rhodri Nelson










Prof. Philippe Trinh
Prof. Philippe Trinh










Professor Takaaki Nara
Prof. Takaaki Nara










Dr. Jonathan Marshall
Dr. Jonathan Marshall










Dr. Christopher Green
Dr. Christopher Green

Prof. Zin Arai
Prof. Zin Arai

Dr. Davoud Cheraghi
Dr. Davoud Cheraghi

Prof. Michiaki Onodera
Prof. Michiaki Onodera

Anastasia Kisil
Anastasia Kisil

Prof. Bartosz Protas
Prof. Bartosz Protas

Elena Luca
Elena Luca

Prof. Linda Cummings
Prof. Linda Cummings

Dr. Peter Buchak
Dr. Peter Buchak

Prof. March Hodes
Prof. Marc Hodes

ACCA Workshop June 2013

"Conformal geometry in mapping, imaging and sensing"

Date: Thursday 20th June – Friday 21st June 2013
Venue: Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Huxley Building, Room 140
LMS, EPSRC, Proc. Roy. Soc. A







The aim of the workshop is to survey new developments in the theory and applications of conformal geometry ranging from it's more traditional roles in pure/applied mathematics and numerical analysis (such as numerical conformal mapping, mesh generation) through to recent developments (such as circle packing and discrete conformal geometry) and novel applications in medical imaging, shape analysis, computer vision and sensing.

The workshop will comprise invited lectures, contributed talks, posters and discussion sessions. The interdisciplinary nature of the event should appeal to a broad range of mathematicians.

Jointly sponsored by London Mathematical Society, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

June 2013 Workshop Programme

Invited speakers

  • Xianfeng (David) Gu (SUNY, Stony Brook)
  • Monica Hurdal (Florida State)
  • Dmitry Khavinson (U. South Florida)
  • Sergey Kushnarev (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
  • Kenneth Stephenson (U. Tennessee)
  • Mohamed M. S. Nasser (King Khalid University)
  • Lok Ming (Ronald) Lui, (Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Organizers: D. Crowdy, T. DeLillo, D. Holm

Please contact Prof Darren Crowdy for more information.

Download Workshop Poster

Download June 2013 Workshop Programme

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are interested in attending the workshop and need to make accommodation reservations, please be advised to contact the Imperial College accommodations office ( who can help to provide good rates at convenient hotels.