In today's world, healthcare systems face unprecedented challenges. With rising levels of ill health, increasing demand, and spiralling costs, the question stands:  How can we truly innovate our health and care systems from within?  

It's time to rethink healthcare, focusing on holistic, person-centred care that promotes health and human flourishing across all levels of society.  

Executive Education Imperial College Business School's new open enrolment programme, Leading Systemic Innovation in Healthcare, steps into this critical juncture, equipping healthcare leaders with the tools and knowledge to navigate this complex environment. 

This programme goes beyond traditional, siloed approaches, embracing a systems thinking philosophy. We view healthcare as a complex, interconnected ecosystem, where seemingly disparate elements – from policy decisions to patient experience – profoundly impact each other. 

Traditional leadership models often focus on optimising individual silos to achieve departmental objectives. Leading systemic innovation in healthcare, however, necessitates a shift in perspective. It demands fostering collaboration across organisational boundaries, driving innovation that addresses healthcare inequities, and ultimately building a more holistic care system."

- Andy Wilkins, Programme Director 

What sets this programme apart? 

Our programme urges a fundamental reimagining of healthcare. By exploring innovation from a systemic level, we can start to create new meta-systemic solutions, from digital health to personalised medicine. In doing so, we aim to create a system that prioritises mental health and wellbeing alongside physical health. 

  • A Holistic View of Health: We break free from a solely disease-centric approach. We delve into systems biology, personalised medicine, mental wellbeing and the social determinants of health, exploring how factors like nutrition, housing, education, and income inequality significantly impact health outcomes. This comprehensive understanding empowers leaders to address the root causes of disease, health disparities and promote population health. 

  • Innovation at the Forefront: The programme isn't just about understanding challenges; it actively explores how to leverage innovation to create a more holistic and person-centred healthcare system. Participants will learn frameworks like Jobs-to-be-Done and 3 Horizons, allowing them to identify unmet patient needs and design innovative solutions that truly resonate. 

  • Systems Leadership: Traditional leadership models often struggle in complex systems. This programme develops the specific skills and mindsets needed to lead effectively in a dynamic healthcare environment. Participants will hone their ability to collaborate across disciplines, navigate ambiguity, and foster a culture of continuous learning within their organisations. 

Programme Structure: A Deep Dive

This section delves into the key trends and challenges shaping healthcare delivery today. Participants will explore frameworks like the 3 Horizons framework, allowing them to anticipate future scenarios and develop adaptable strategies. They'll also gain insights into cutting-edge areas like digital health, examining how technology can streamline care delivery, empower patients, and facilitate data-driven decision-making. 

Here, participants will learn how to translate the learnings from the external world into actionable steps within their own organisations. We'll cover topics like systems leadership, fostering a culture of innovation that embraces experimentation and encourages risk-taking, and developing metrics that measure progress towards a more holistic approach to care delivery.

The programme acknowledges the undeniable link between human health and planetary health. We explore the environmental impact of current healthcare systems and investigate strategies for creating a more sustainable healthcare future. This includes examining concepts like "regenerative health" – focusing on not just minimising damage but actively restoring and nurturing the ecological systems that support human well-being.

Chemical Kitchen

An Experiential Activity: Putting Theory into Practice 

The programme will offer a unique and engaging activity designed by the Chemical Kitchen. This activity will demonstrate the parallels between working in a kitchen and working in complex systems like healthcare. Participants will grapple with unexpected challenges, requiring them to leverage collaboration, communication, and adaptability – skills crucial for success in today's healthcare landscape.