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Imperial College Business School is committed to promoting equality in business and society and we offer scholarships for students who are part of, or allies to, the LGBTQ+ community. Silvio Di Feo, MSc Strategic Marketing student shares his journey to securing this scholarship and what it means to him.  

Silvio Di Feo

Nationality: Italian 

Education: BA (Hons) Business Management (Marketing), University of Westminster. 

My LGBTQ+ Scholarship 

Discovering that I had been awarded the LGBTQ+ Scholarship was an incredibly emotional and uplifting moment for me. This was not only a recognition of my academic achievements and potential, but also a validation of my commitment to championing EDI (equality, diversity, and inclusion) within my community. 

This scholarship makes me feel seen, valued, and supported in my education. I am proud to be part of Imperial College Business School, as it is keen to promote initiatives to encourage the participation of LGBTQ+ people in business education and to support diversity. 

This scholarship is not just financial support; it is a platform to amplify the efforts of students who want to change things and contribute to a more inclusive and equal business world.

Why I applied for this scholarship 

I was motivated to apply for the LGBTQ+ scholarship at the Business School because I have a strong passion and commitment to LGBTQ+ rights and equality. Throughout my life, I have always strived to raise awareness about the discrimination of underrepresented groups and the need for equal rights in our society. When I heard about an Imperial scholarship, I saw it as an opportunity to align my passion with my education. 

My motivation stems from a deep desire to make a real difference. By studying at Imperial College Business School, I hope to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a change in society, including with regards to EDI issues. This scholarship is not just financial support; it is a platform to amplify the efforts of students who want to change things and contribute to a more inclusive and equal business world. 

What this scholarship means to me 

The scholarship I have been awarded has a deeply personal and academic significance for me. First and foremost, it encourages me to work towards creating a more welcoming environment within the university by implementing initiatives and working towards a more diverse institution. Furthermore, it inspires me to devote my attention to studying how to promote inclusivity and address LGBTQ+ issues in the business world. 

In the last year alone 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ people in the UK have experienced discrimination in their workplace because of their sexual orientation or gender identity (based on YouGov polling of over 5000 LGBT people). As a future business leader, I am motivated to play my part in changing this. The LGBTQ+ scholarship that supported me during my studies at Imperial College Business School will contribute to making this change happen. 

My advice to others, considering applying 

My advice to aspiring scholarship recipients is to think deeply about what sets them apart from others and why they are the ideal candidates for the scholarship. It is important to be authentic, express your unique qualities, and tell your own story in an engaging way. Finally, I think it is crucial to show how the scholarship will enable you to contribute to a better world. Look to the future and explain how your studies at Imperial College Business School will enable you to promote positive change in society.  

How to apply

Candidates who submit their application for an MSc programme before the scholarship submission round and receive an offer for the programme will be eligible to apply for this scholarship. 

Awards will be assessed from the initial deadline onwards, and you are therefore encouraged to submit your application as early as possible in order to maximise your chance of success.  Please follow the link below for further details.