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Centenary merchandise

Celebrate the College's anniversary with some limited edition Centenary merchandise and gifts.

A range includes pens, polo shirts, chocolates, gift bags and more! It is available from the Imperial College Union Shop on the South Kensington Campus walkway, and some Centenary items are also available at the online shop. There is free delivery to all campuses on items ordered at the Union shop.

Read all about Imperial's fasinating history with the"The History of Imperial College London, 1907-2007: Higher Education and Research in Science, Technology and Medicine" book written by Dr Hannah Gay. Buy the book now at the Union shop on the South Kensington Campus walkway or order online through the publishers Imperial College Press.

  © 2007 Imperial College London

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Imperial’s Centenary Year is the perfect time to look back on your time at Imperial College London and share your memories with the College community of staff, students and alumni.

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