What are we trying to achieve? To connect researchers and students new to scientific computing with someone more experienced in the area.  This activity will improve training experience for those involved and will boost computational literacy in our community.  Better computational science will translate into higher quality, reproducible research projects. 

What type of problems we'd like to answer? We can guide and advise in terms of learning path, selecting the right tools and resources, organising and optimising code.




Scientific Computing Support Network has partnered with the Maths Helpdesk

The Maths Helpdesk is run by the Department of Mathematics and has been successfully contributing to the College's interdisciplinary research for the last two years.  We are happy to rely on their professional and organisational expertise in supporting scientific computing aspects of your research.  We now hold regular joint drop-in sessions.



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Our Mission


News and events
  • The Firedrake team is happy to offer a half day Firedrake tutorial aimed at new Firedrake users on January 12, 2018 (14:00 - 17:00), EPSRC CDT space (access from Sherfield, level 2), South Kensington Campus



The Scientific Computing Support Network is run by students from the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in:

Fluid Dynamics across Scales
Mathematics of Planet Earth
Theory and Simulation of Materials

and is coordinated by:

Copmutational Methods Hub

Contact us

Email cmhub@imperial.ac.uk.