
Course details

  • Duration: 5 weeks -
    including live online sessions
  • Fees:
    - £395 for doctors
    - £300 
    for nurses and AHPs 
    ESPID members / Imperial College Healthcare & University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust staff/Wessex trainees:
      - £250 
  • Venue: Online
  • Contact us
Register interest

Recognition of serious infection in children is a topic of national importance. Research shows that the death rate from infection in children in the UK is higher than the rest of Europe and serious infection in children is not well recognised in the acute setting.

Research from Imperial College on meningococcal sepsis in children, the leading infectious cause of death, has shown that there is inadequate recognition and initial management of meningococcal sepsis in secondary care.

The course is part of a range of short courses spread throughout the academic year which are available both to students who are enrolled on the MSc in paediatrics and child health and as stand-alone CPD accredited programmes for all healthcare professionals. The courses are offered in line with level 3 of the RCPCH curriculum.

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