
Online course

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This unique online course is designed to be accessible to a broad spectrum of professionals with varying levels of knowledge and experience in Head and Neck and specifically cancer of the larynx.

The module concentrates exclusively on surgery for standard laryngectomy, including some procedures and suggestions to optimise rehabilitation outcomes.

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The course is divided into four sections:

Section 1 The head and neck anatomy and physiology related to laryngeal functions is presented. This knowledge is considered essential to understand the subsequent surgery for standard laryngectomy

Section 2 is about the cancer itself

Section 3 covers surgical deconstruction of the neck  

Section 4 discusses subsequent reconstruction to obtain optimal functional outcomes and directly compares the pre and post-operative situations for breathing swallow and voice production

Detailed illustrations with explanatory text, 2D animations, labelled surgical photos and “live” videos of actual surgery are incorporated throughout to assist with understanding the complex medical information. A series of nine innovative 3D animations, with explanatory voice-over, guide the user through the stages of the surgery itself, as well as the pre and post-operative functions of breathing, voice production, swallow and prosthesis placement.

At the end of the module you should expect to:

  • Understand the normal anatomy and physiology of the larynx as well as the essential laryngeal functions: respiration, voice production and swallow. 
  • Have a fundamental understanding of cancer, specifically cancer of the larynx, its possible locations, development, categorisation using the internationally recognised TNM staging system and the various treatment options to manage it. 
  • Understand the  surgical steps taken to deconstruct the neck and remove the larynx, together with the cancer, referred to as standard laryngectomy. 
  • Possess an in-depth knowledge of the surgical steps required to reconstruct the neck, including those additional steps considered essential to provide post-operative functional outcomes (myotomy/neurectomy, creating the TEP and tenotomy). 
  • Fully appreciate the differences between the pre and post-operative anatomy and physiology and between respiration, voice production and swallow, before and after surgery.

This course will be of interest to anyone working with patients who have Cancer of the Larynx leading to laryngectomy.  

We estimate that it will take between 3 and 4 hours to complete the module. The course requires a solid working knowledge in the field of laryngectomy and surgical voice restoration to be able to follow and benefit from the information being taught. It is recommended that delegates have previously attended some form of basic training.

The E-learning Module will be a pre-requisite for delegates attending the Advanced Laryngectomy Course and includes a Graded Multiple Choice Assessment which participants will need to pass prior to attending. 

“Congratulations on completing a huge piece of work! You are rightly very proud of the animations – they really are terrific and they greatly enhance the information provided.”

Professor Alison Perry
Dean, University of Limerick, Ireland

“The animations and graphics are truly second to none, this will be such a significant contribution in making people better understand this complex area. It is a huge undertaking and I admire you so much for getting this done to the level and quality that you have. I am really blown away by it! Congratulations!”

Dr Julia Maclean
St George Hospital, Australia

“I have never been more impressed by an educational tool.  It is simply outstanding. I spent all morning being amazed and educated. I think of how much time it would save hospitals in training new clinicians. The education on "normal" laryngectomy swallowing is wonderful. Words really fail me when it comes to the animation - it couldn't be more beautiful. Congratulations on such a tremendous accomplishment!”

Bethany Anke, M.A. CCC-SLP
International Sales Manager, InHealth Technologies – Blom-Singer Voice Restoration Products

"This laryngectomy e-learning module is an easily accessible training programme, for health care professionals involved in the rehabilitation of this complex patient group. The programme provides clear learning aims which are comprehensively evaluated by a knowledge quiz at the end of the module. I particularly enjoyed the graphics, containing a balance between 3D animations, video clips and easy to follow diagrams. This is a great way to learn about post-laryngectomy voice and swallowing and I would whole heartedly recommend it to those starting out in the field."

Dr Jo Patterson
NIHR Clinical Lecturer / Macmillan SLT, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

“I wish to personally congratulate the authors, Edels, Coffey and Clarke, on their production of this outstanding educational effort on the topic of laryngectomy and post-laryngectomy care.  The module is thorough and clear, without being overwhelming.  It addresses basic issues related to the anatomy of the procedure as well as very specific issues, such as procedures to prevent voice-limiting spasm.  This will be an important resource for health care professionals as well as patients and families well into the future. A truly grand effort.”

Daniel G. Deschler, MD, FACS,
Vice Chair for Academic Affairs
Director: Norman Knight Hyperbaric Medicine Center
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Professor, Department of Otology and Laryngology
Harvard Medical School

Watch a short video introduction to the online course where you will be able to see a taster of the learning materials: 

The trailer can also be watched on vimeo trailer

Laryngectomy Surgical Voice Restoration

A unique Elearning module on Laryngectomy Surgical Voice Restoration for Head & Neck Cancer created by Yvonne Edels and Margaret Coffey with Imperial College, London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.