Academic and Teaching staff in the Dyson School of Design Engineering are listed below. Follow the link on each name for more information about the person.
Academic & Teaching Staff
Research Academics
Prof. Robert Shorten
Personal details
Prof. Robert Shorten Head of the Dyson School of Design EngineeringSend email+44 7863879679
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Level 3, Dyson Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington
London SW7 2AZInterests
Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems; Sharing Economy; and Smart Mobility/Cities
Dr Marco Aurisicchio
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Marco Aurisicchio's current research activity focuses on using new design and manufacturing methods to develop complex systems in the healthcare, construction and nuclear sectors.
Dr Weston Baxter
Room 1M02, RCS1
Weston Baxter’s current research activity focuses on creating meaningful user experiences particularly as they relate to changing contexts in design.
Dr David Boyle
Room 1M04, RCS1
David’s research centres around Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. This covers a variety of topics, including: designing reliable, secure, energy efficient wireless communication systems and energy transfer.
Andrew Brand
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Andrew is an educator and practitioner in product innovation, systems engineering, and human-centered design. He is interested in creating learning ecosystems that foster socially-minded innovators equipped with the skills to build better futures.
Prof. Rafael Calvo
Room 1M03, RCS1
Rafael Calvo is interested in the design of systems that support wellbeing in areas of mental health, medicine and education, and the ethical challenges raised by new technologies.
Dr Michel-Alexandre Cardin
Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Michel-Alexandre’s research focuses on the development and evaluation of new computer aided methodologies to support the design of engineering systems under uncertainty, with applications in infrastructure and financial systems.
Prof. Peter Cheung
Level 9, Room 910
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Building
South Kensington
SW7 2BTInterests
Peter Cheung’s research focus is in digital reconfigurable systems; VLSI architecture; system reliability and embedded system design. He currently teaches the electronics modules in Years 1 and 2 in Design Engineering.
Prof. Peter Childs
Personal details
Prof. Peter Childs Professorial Lead in Design EngineeringSend email+44 (0)20 7594 7049
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Peter Childs' general interests include: creativity; the application of creativity tools; mechanical and product design; robotics; rotating flow, temperature and its measurement, sustainable energy component, concept and system design.
Dr Samuel Cooper
Room 1M04A, RCS1
Sam Cooper’s research interests include the design and analysis of energy storage systems both at the microscale, as well as at the device level. He is also experience in the use of machine learning algorithms for the analysis of 3D image data.
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Dr Pelin Demirel
Personal details
Dr Pelin Demirel Reader in Innovation and Sustainability, Director of Inclusive PracticeLocation
Room 1M06, RCS1
Pelin Demirel is a Reader in Innovation and Sustainability at Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London. Her most recent research projects are motivated by investigating the potential of innovations and entrepreneurship for a more sustainable and inclusive society.
Prof. Sebastian Deterding
Room 1M05, RCS1
Sebastian Deterding works on motivational design for well-being and behaviour change. He is particularly interested in translational research and design methods, human-AI co-creative design systems, theoretical and computational formalisations of motivational experiences, gamification and playful design, and motivational design for climate/energy transitions, health, and human-AI interactions.
Dr Elena Dieckmann
Personal details
Dr Elena Dieckmann Lecturer and Academic Co-Director for Imperial Global IndiaSend email+44 7895302064
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Elena’s research focuses on the circular economy, sustainable material innovation and waste resource conversion, with notable contributions to developing novel materials from agricultural by-products. Elena also serves as Director of the MSc Cleantech Innovation programme.
Dr Pietro Ferraro
Dyson Building,
South Kensington CampusResearch
Pietro Ferraro’s work focuses on Cyber physical systems, Control theory, Smart grid, Smart cities and mathematical modelling of Distributed Ledger Technologies.
Dr Chandramohan George
Room 1M04A, RCS1
Dr Chandramohan George is a Senior Lecturer leading the sub-theme “smart energy technologies and materials”. His Research Group is focused on materials design and manufacturing, solar batteries, soft batteries, beyond Li ion technologies and smart devices.
Dr Mazdak Ghajari
Room 1M05, RCS1
Mazdak Ghajari's research focuses on understanding biomechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and designing advanced protective devices.
Dr Petar Kormushev
Room 1M07, RCS1
Petar Kormushev's research interests include robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His main research focus is on robot learning algorithms, especially reinforcement learning for intelligent robot behaviour.
Dr Nan Li
Room 1M03, RCS1
Nan Li’s research addresses one of the major challenges facing the transportation industry world-wide: the development of breakthrough technologies to manufacture and design high-performance lightweight vehicles for a more environmentally-friendly footprint.
Prof. Andrew McPherson
Room 301B, Dyson Building, Level 3
Andrew McPherson's research on digital musical instrument design draws on embedded hardware, human-computer interaction, embodied cognition, and science and technology studies to create interactive systems and examine the values embedded into new technologies.
Dr Celine Mougenot
Room 1M06, RCS1
Céline Mougenot specializes in Design Research. Her aim is to develop an understanding of “designing”, with a focus on creativity and collaboration.
Dr Connor Myant
Personal details
Dr Connor Myant Reader in Digital Manufacturing Systems, Examinations OfficerSend email+44 (0)20 7594 9893
Room 1M05, RCS1
Connor Myant works on developing design methodologies specific to Additive Manufacturing, as well as developing novel 3D printing processes.
Dr Thrishantha Nanayakkara
Room 1M07, RCS1
Thrishantha's research in controllable stiffness robots tries to understand how physical circuits in the body and environment contribute to solve computational problems to do with efficient survival in unstructured environments.
Dr Lorenzo Picinali
Personal details
Dr Lorenzo Picinali Professor in Spatial Acoustics and Immersive AudioSend email+44 (0)20 7594 8158
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Lorenzo Picinali's work focuses on 3D binaural sound rendering, interactive applications for the blind, audiology and audiometric techniques, hearing aids technology, and audio and haptic interaction.
Prof. Pierre Pinson
Personal details
Prof. Pierre Pinson Professor, Chair of data-centric design engineering, Deputy Head of DepartmentLocation
Room 1M04, RCS1
Pierre is interested in finding ways to generate optimal value for society and various stakeholders from data. This translates to a methodological focus on analytics, forecasting, optimization and game theory, mainly. On the applied side, he looks at energy and sustainability, weather-sensitive industries, business analytics, logistics and retail, etc.
Dr Talya Porat
Room 1M06, RCS1
Talya Porat's research is in the fields of human factors, human-computer interaction, usability and cognitive engineering. She is particularly interested in decision-making processes and how to design and evaluate effective interactive healthcare interventions to improve patient outcomes and reduce medical errors.
Dr Leila Sheldrick
Room 1M02, RCS1
Leila Sheldrick’s research explores the future of design, and aims to identify how to realise sustainable systems of consumption and production.
Dr Rebecca Stewart
Room 1M02, RCS1
Rebecca Stewart’s research interests are in wearable technology with a focus on binaural audio and textile interfaces. She is also investigating methods for enabling research innovations to be more accessible to applications designers.
Dr Nejra van Zalk
Room 1M04, RCS1
Nejra van Zalk leads the Design Psychology Lab , which focuses on understanding psychological mechanisms that govern human behaviour, emotions, and decision-making processes related to designing products, services, and behavioural interventions that benefit mental health.
Dr Billy Wu
Personal details
Dr Billy Wu Reader, Post Graduate Research Tutor, Director of ResearchSend email+44 (0)20 7594 6385
Room 1M04A, RCS1
Billy Wu works on improving and developing electrochemical devices (batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitor) as well as manufacturing processes (3D printing, electrospinning).
Dr Yunlong Zhao
Personal details
Dr Yunlong Zhao Senior Lecturer in Energy Storage and Bioelectronics DesignSend email+44 7377 977 576
Room 301B, Dyson Building, Level 3
Yunlong Zhao’s research on the rational design and development of novel electrochemical energy storage devices, sensors, bioelectronics, and their integration into both 2D on-chip and 3D soft systems for electrochemical and physiological interrogation, and applications in Sustainability and Healthcare.
Teaching fellows
Maria Apud Bell
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
With a background in Biochemistry and Innovation Design Engineering, Maria is a design scientist, interested in bridging the gap between the creative and scientific world through the use of collaborative design methodologies.
Sheraz Arif
Dyson Building, South Kensington Campus
Audrey Gaulard
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
As an Alumni from IDE and a background in Fashion Design, Audrey is a true Hybrid Designer working across various industries. She is simultaneously working as the co-founder of The Polyfloss Factory, developing a candy floss machine to recycle plastic, while being the Senior Designer of Random International, the art installation studio and finally a teaching Fellow in IDE
Dr Stephen Green
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Stephen Green's interests include the evolving methods, methodologies and professional practice of design; in particular with open and collaborative design and innovation, the understanding of design impact, application of branding, design for external environments and product service systems.
Dr Kamyar Hazeri
Dyson Building, Level 1
Kamyar Hazeri's interests focus on Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Aerodynamics, Automotive and Product Design, as well as the assessment of product creativity, sustainability, and building energy performance.
Olga Kravchenko
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Olga is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the Dyson School of Design Engineering. She is a Product Designer and a Computational Designer specializing in computational intelligence applications for product design.
Dr Freddie Page
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Freddie's role is the curriculum review of the MEng, so that our students get the most out of our course, becoming competitive graduates in a changing jobs market. He has interests in: computer graphics, web applications and interfaces, machine learning, metamaterials, and interactive learning and teaching methods.
Dr Shayan Sharifi
Personal details
Dr Shayan Sharifi Principal Teaching Fellow, Director of EducationSend email+44 (0)20 7594 9619
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Shayan is working on developing technologies to remove plastics from rivers and oceans. The objective of his work is to radically re-think the current methods and address the common challenges such as sorting, wear, and energy dissipation.
Charlotte Slingsby
Level 1, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Charlotte Slingsby is passionate about using design as a tool for transformation within engineering. Her personal work ranges from renewable energy solutions to cybersecurity tools with a keen interest in system and user centred design.
Dr Usman Talat
Level 3, Dyson Building
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
SW7 2DBInterests
Usman is a Behaviour Scientist. He work is applied to healthcare innovation and Entrepreneurship in Financial Markets/Internationally (e.g. China, South East Asia). Public health Education and Policy. Organization Studies.
Contact us
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888