This event has been cancelled but Dr Antoine Cully and Claudio Sanna will be at Imperial Lates: Sci-Fi on 28 April to answer all your questions about AI.

From shared dreaming, to cyborg rights, instant language translation and even the technology to communicate with animals, put your questions to our AI experts during this Reddit AMA.

Although science fiction likes to focus on dystopian imaginings of AI and robotics’ future threat to humanity, the reality is AI systems are contributing positively to our modern world through technologies we thought impossible just a few decades ago. In the future it could become even more helpful and valuable.

In 2020 Dr Antoine Cully, Director of the Adaptive and Intelligent Robotics Lab and Claudio Sanna, Technology Insight Analyst, at Imperial College London started work on ‘The Automated Futures Map’, a celestial sphere of unimaginable, speculative future AI powered technology.

From shared dreaming, the recording of our internal monologues, or cyborg rights, to instant language translation and even the technology to communicate with animals, the automated futures map encapsulates how these developments could interact and influence our future.

For our Sci-Fi Imperial Lates they’ll be answering questions about the project covering:

  • The current state of research in these areas of AI and robotics and how their future paths might intertwine and interweave
  • How society, business and governments might change or adapt to take advantage of these technologies
  • The development process of the map itself, including how rigorous foresight methodologies can shed light on the impact of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs by exploring possible, plausible, and probable futures.

Imperial Lates

This event is part of Imperial Lates: Sci-fi.

Where does science end and science fiction start? Join us at Imperial Lates as Imperial’s scientists explore the scientific basis of our spacefaring, technologically enhanced futures through talks, artistic workshops and live demos.  

Hear from scientists, science fiction writers and sci-fi fans discussing where the movies get the science wrong, how science fiction inspired modern day research and what science of today might inspire the visionary books, films and comics of tomorrow. 

Imperial Lates are most suitable for over 18s.

See the full Lates events programme >