John Squire

Muscles and Molecular Structure

This conference is a memorial event to celebrate the life and work of Professor John Squire who worked at Imperial College London from 1973 to 2006.  His work greatly advanced our understanding of the structure of muscle and how it works.  We have gathered eminent scientists who collaborated or were associated with John.  We are sure to be inspired by their reminisces of working with John and their accounts of the current state of the field.

Registration and attendance

This symposium will run as a hybrid event.
Please register in advance.

Tickets to be purchased in advance (£0 to £55).

Event schedule:

View and download the event schedule and list of speakers.

9:00     Registration and Coffee
9:30     Talks
11:00   Coffee break
11:15   Talks
13:00   Lunch
14:00   Talks
15:30   Tea and Coffee
15:45   Talks
17:00   Reception (Wine, cheese etc)


A dinner has been arranged on the evening of Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 6pm at Haandi, 7 Cheval Place, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1EW. The dinner can be paid for at the time of registration. Seating capacity is limited and booking is on first-come-first-serve basis.

Getting here

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