AI illustration

Humanity will have a future defined by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The inaugural Imperial AI Summit will be a platform where students can learn about what the future of AI looks like. It will inspire you to delve further into opportunities in the field, and take a deeper look at what role you can play in your AI-defined future.

This event is co-organised by the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) at Imperial College London and the Imperial College Data Science Society (ICDSS) and I-X, Imperial’s AI initiative.

The event will commence with a Datathon where students will solve problems using Data Science and Machine Learning competencies followed by opportunities for students to network with industry and academics over dinner.

And last but not least, keynote sessions where speakers from Google, Cisco and I-X will be invited to share their thoughts on the Future of AI!

Make sure to get your ticket and come experience Imperial College’s first AI summit!

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