Symposium image

Wednesday 11 July 2018
Lecture Theatre 201, Skempton Building, South Kensington Campus

Come and join us for a one day Symposium on fluid dynamics and discover how diverse the field can be.

The event timetable is now available.

As the Fluids CDT encourages collaboration between many departments at Imperial, we endeavour to showcase a wide range of applications of fluid dynamics in student presentations throughout the day, and with guest speakers:

Steve Tobias

University of Leeds
View Steve's website

Title: Order from Chaos - Direct Statistical Simulation in (Astrophysical, Geophysical and Engineering) Fluids.

Abstract: The eleven year solar activity cycle is a remarkable example of regular behaviour emerging from an extremely turbulent system. The jets on Jupiter sit unmoving on a sea of turbulent eddies. Astrophysical phenomena often display organisation on spatial and temporal scales much larger than the turbulent processes that drive them. An outstanding problem of astrophysics (and indeed other branches of nonlinear physics) is how to describe the statistics of systematic behaviour emerging from the underlying chaos, given that Direct Numerical Simulation of these objects is simply impossible. Here I shall introduce these fascinating phenomena and describe how methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and many body quantum systems may be developed to give some insight into their behaviour. I shall also speculate on possibilities of using this approach in engineering fluids.

Professor Martin Bees

University of York
View Martin's website

Lunch and coffee will be provided during the day and we hope you will stick around for some drinks afterwards.


If you wish to attend our symposium, please register online using the simple form below.

We have a limited number of places available. So, make sure to register early to avoid disappointment.

For those wishing to give a poster presentation or a talk, but with no preference for either, please select both options under 'Type of registration'; if you are not selected to give a talk, you will automatically be considered for a poster presentation.

Please email if you have any questions.

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme