To make a meaningful impact and meet the needs of citizens, policies and practices in healthcare should be informed by the best evidence. That’s why we’re dedicated to using evidence to shape global health policy in areas in need of transformation.
Our work in this sphere is spearheaded by our Centre for Health Policy, which exists to develop, implement and distribute innovative, evidence-based health policies around the world.
Find out how our Institute is uniting world-leading experts and policy-makers to tackle real-world health problems; promoting learning and support; and generating and sharing evidence-based knowledge on a range of pressing health issues.
Highlights from our health policy work

National State of Patient Safety
The “National State of Patient Safety 2024" report involves a review of published performance data, analysis of Healthcare Trusts’ patient safety incident response plans, and a survey on the patient safety priorities of staff and the public. It aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the situation across England.
Produced by the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London, and commissioned by the charity Patient Safety Watch, the National State of Patient Safety 2024 Report (NSPS) calls for a renewed focus on key patient safety priorities. The report’s authors call on national organisations to urgently agree a focused set of patient safety improvement priorities.

Improving resource allocation for end-of-life care
Research has shown that many patients near the end of life receive high-intensity services without clear evidence of benefits and often at odds with their preferences, with the overwhelming majority of people wishing to remain at home. Yet costly hospital-based care could be avoided if patients were offered high-quality care alternatives outside hospitals.
In partnership with the University of Edinburgh, the University of Lausanne and the Institute for Public Policy Research and public partners, we’re looking at ways to improve the efficiency of health and social care provision at the end of life. Our ongoing study is exploring how carers and their loved ones make decisions about end-of-life care, which is necessary to effectively support carers and patients at the end of life to ensure there is high-quality care for all.

NHS Data - Maximising its impact for all
The NHS owns long-term health data for the majority of the UK population and this unique asset is poised to be transformative for health, scientific and economic benefit.
Our White Paper, "NHS data: Maximising its impact for all" identifies strategic and technical recommendations to move towards developing a health data policy ecosystem tat is designed so that value, either clinical, societal or financial, is more readily extracted from patient data.
Read more in our news piece.
Get in touch
World Innovation Summit for Health
Nicolette Davies, IGHI Director of Global Health
Leading Health Systems Network
Niki O'Brien, Policy Fellow in Global Health
End-of-life care
Ivor Williams, End-of-Life Care Lead and Senior Design Associate
Health data
Dr Saira Ghafur, Digital health Lead
Dr Jack Halligan, Policy Fellow in Health Innovation