
Rest, repair and re-energise

Why do we sleep?

Why do we sleep? TED Talk by Russell Foster, Circadian neuroscientist

Why is sleep important?

Getting a good nights sleep allows our bodies and minds to rest, repair and re-energise. Lack of sleep can cause poor concentration, low mood, irritability, and a weakened immune system.

Adults who get 7-8 hours sleep a day have lower mortality rates, and tend to be healthier, than those who have more or less of this amount. You may also have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. Those who have fewer than 4 hours or more than 8 hours a day are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, dementia and heart disease

Help me to sleep: 10 practical ways to get better nights sleep by Mind Tools:

Sleep disorders and solutions


Insomnia is a condition where you are regularly unable to fall asleep or remain asleep for a long enough period of time, which can result in a negative impact on mood, energy levels, concentration, relationships, ability to stay awake throughout the day and ability to complete simple daily tasks.

Solution: CBT is the best proven treatment for persistent insomnia. Regular daytime or early evening exercise can also be a great way to combat insomnia as it helps to reduce anxiety and stress, as can practices such as mindfulness. Using sleep medication (or hypnotics), such as sleeping pills, is common. However, they should generally only be used for a few nights as you can become reliant on them long-term. It is best to seek advice from your GP if your insomnia persists.