The Departmental Colloquia series began in 2010. The purpose of the series is two fold: to hear from some of the world's leading mathematicians and statisticians, and to provide a forum for the department (faculty, research fellows, and postgraduate students) to meet.
There is usually a reception following the talk, with an opportunity to meet the speaker (pre-COVID19 arrangements).
Past Colloquia
- 2023 (Ferguson)
- 2021 (Hastie, Ziegler)
- 2020 (Esteban, Perthame)
- 2019 (Titi, Wolf, Reid, Caflisch, Duminil-Copin, Figalli)
- 2018 (Harriss, Meng, Sheffield, Gneiting, Warnow, Dafermos)
- 2017 (Stuart, Kühn, Tokieda, Villani, Davison, Holmes, Stewart)
- 2016 (Rosenbaum, Granville, Milton, Mallat, Bridson)
- 2015 (Diaconis, Newell, Joshi, Schoen)
- 2014 (Gelman, Davis, Green, Caffarelli, Hairer)
- 2013 (Serfaty, Senn, Tenenbaum, Bertozzi)
- 2012 (Werner, Fokas, McCullagh)
- 2011 (Cox, Otto, Embrechts)
- 2010 (Gowers, Lieb, Sinai)
2023 (Ferguson)
2021 (Hastie, Ziegler)
2020 (Esteban, Perthame)
2019 (Titi, Wolf, Reid, Caflisch, Duminil-Copin, Figalli)
2018 (Harriss, Meng, Sheffield, Gneiting, Warnow, Dafermos)
2017 (Stuart, Kühn, Tokieda, Villani, Davison, Holmes, Stewart)
2016 (Rosenbaum, Granville, Milton, Mallat, Bridson)
2015 (Diaconis, Newell, Joshi, Schoen)
2014 (Gelman, Davis, Green, Caffarelli, Hairer)
2013 (Serfaty, Senn, Tenenbaum, Bertozzi)
2012 (Werner, Fokas, McCullagh)
2011 (Cox, Otto, Embrechts)
2010 (Gowers, Lieb, Sinai)