Aimee Morgans lab
Welcome to the research group of Aimee Morgans
Welcome to the research group of Aimee Morgans. Our research on fluid mechanics is aimed at making energy generation and transport more environmentally friendly. Our specialisms are:
- Thermoacoustic instabilities. We're interested in modelling and suppressing thermoacoustic instabilities. This is with a view to being able to predict and design-out instability in the combustors of aeroplane engines and power gas turbines. Instability-free combustors would be able to achieve lower NOx emissions.
- Aerodynamic drag of vehicles. We're interested in better understanding the wake behind a vehicle, and using active control to reduce the aerodynamic drag. Lower drag would facilitate lower fuel-burn for traditional vehicles and increased range for electric vehicles.
We are also interested in aeroacoustics, feedback control of fluid flows and multi-scale flow modelling more generally.
We are part of:
- The Thermofluids Division in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- The Imperial College Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics across Scales.
- The Imperial College Flow Control Group.
Current and recent projects include AFIRMATIVE (€1.98M, funded by the ERC, 2018-23), CHAMBER (£750k, funded by the EPSRC, 2017-20) and ACOULOMODE (€1.49M, funded by the ERC, 2013-18). Our industrial sponsors include Siemens, Renault and Nissan.