Design Engineering Staff Spotlight: Ingrid Logan to receive Imperial Medal


Ingrid Logan working in ACE Workshop, Dyson School of Design Engineering

Imperial College is set to confer Imperial College Medal upon Ingrid Logan, Technical Services & Safety Manager, Dyson School of Design Engineering.

The Imperial College Medal is a special acknowledgment presented to staff members across disciplines who demonstrate outstanding commitment and contribute significantly to the college's mission.Ingrid Logan’s notable commitment and valuable contributions have uniquely positioned her as a deserving recipient of the Imperial College Medal.

Empowering Student Success 

Ingrid has been absolutely brilliant at leading the team at ACE and helping everything run smoothly. During a Gizmo project last year, she supported the entire DE third year cohort in the workshop and managed to organise the chaos so we all made the most of our time there. Ingrid is at the heart of so many teams and does a great job of handling it all with confidence and determination. Asha Bakhai Design Engineering (MEng) student

Ingrid in her capacity oversees the management of the Dyson School of Design Engineering ACE Workshop and Departmental Health and Safety, contributing her wealth of knowledge and technical expertise. Over time, she has made a significant positive impact on staff, students, and colleagues, going beyond her role's expectations. 

Ingrid's commitment to enhancing the student experience is evident through her active involvement in teaching, training, and assisting students with module work. Her dedication goes beyond the classroom as she actively supports students in producing prototypes and manufacturing models, fostering an environment open to learning. 

Integral to student life, Ingrid's influence resonates across departments, creating a ripple effect that contributes to an enriched overall life and work experience at Imperial College London. 

Beyond the Workshop 

Ingrid and Chloe, working in ACE Workshop

Ingrid was one of the first people to welcome me when I joined Imperial in 2019. My first impression of Ingrid, which has not changed to this day, was formed by her enthusiasm and incredible dedication to the Dyson School of Design Engineering, her commitment to its students and staff, and her pursuit of engineering excellence as it pertains to Design Engineering. Brilliant, kind, and humble in equal measure, Ingrid represents the best of design engineering. It is an honour and privilege to be her colleague. - Robert Shorten, Head of Department

Health and Safety (H&S) in the Dyson School of Design Engineering is another realm where Ingrid has left an indelible mark. Through her knowledge, experience, and commitment, she has worked towards improving the H&S culture within the department.  

Ingrid actively offers advice and guidance on H&S matters, providing insights that help shape policies and procedures not only for the workshop but also for the wider department. She takes an active role within the department, organising training opportunities and providing valuable support to colleagues in their work. 

Community-Focused Leadership 

At the heart of Ingrid's managerial vision is the ACE Workshop, transformed into a dynamic space where students and colleagues alike feel confident and competent.  

Ingrid’s journey as the Technical Services and Safety Manager has been marked by a collaborative spirit and a focus on community excellence. Her contributions to the College and Department have been strengthened by the support she has received from her colleagues, particularly the Technicians team

Acknowledging the often-overlooked role of technicians, Ingrid emphasises the significance of their contributions in supporting and assisting the ACE Workshop. The entire technicians' team plays a vital role in providing support not only to Ingrid but to everyone within the academic community, including students and staff members working on their various project endeavours.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion 

As one of the few female technicians when she started, Ingrid has been a trailblazer, encouraging diversity and providing opportunities for others to learn and develop both professionally and personally.   

Her efforts have encouraged an increase in the number of female technicians in the department but also created an inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. 

We eagerly await the official presentation of the Imperial College Medal at the Graduation Ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall in October 2024. Our department celebrates Ingrid's achievements and acknowledge her as an exemplary contributor to the design engineering community at Imperial College London. 


Sanjana Kakar

Sanjana Kakar
Dyson School of Design Engineering

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