Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations

The Charter and Statutes

Imperial College was established by Royal Charter in 1907. In 2007 a Supplemental Charter and Statutes was granted by HM Queen Elizabeth II which came into force on the date of the College's Centenary, 8th July 2007. 

The Charter and Statutes are the primary governing instruments of Imperial College, and form the framework within which the governance structure operates. They may be amended following a Special Resolution made by Council and the consent of Privy Council.

Download Charter and Statutes

Ordinances and Regulations

The Ordinances and Regulations support the implementation of the Charter and Statutes, and contain details on the way in which the University is governed. They are approved by the University Council.

Download College Ordinances 

Download Annexes to Appendix

Download College Regulations

Financial Regulations


Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations