Dr Kimberley Wang

Dr Kimberley Wang will be visiting the NHLI IRD Section to give a seminar on Monday 13th May.

Her talk is titled: “Normal and abnormal growth of the airway smooth muscle layer: implications for obstructive airway disease.”

Dr. Kimberley Wang is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Human Sciences, The University of Western Australia. Kimberley’s research explores three vital themes: understanding associations between low birth weight and asthma, characterising airway fat in the context of comorbid obesity-asthma and testing drugs to mitigate excessive airway muscle. Kimberley’s impactful research, highlighting the potential origins of asthma in the womb, has garnered attention through newspapers, radio and TV interviews. Beyond research achievements, she constantly pays it forward, through her passion for advocacy, where she actively promotes STEM careers for females and future generation.

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