The MSc Artificial Intelligence is a one-year postgraduate degree in the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. We are introducing a four-month internship onto the degree, and are looking for companies to host our students.

Imperial is ranked top in the UK in the recent Research Excellence Framework; and the Department of Computing is ranked top in the UK for computer science research. 

The MSc Artificial Intelligence draws its students from STEM backgrounds—most often mathematics, physics, engineering, and quantitative economics—and delivers an intensive programme in foundational and advanced AI and machine learning. Modules on the degree include: 

-   Reinforcement Learning
-   Deep Learning
-   Deep Graph
-   Based Learning
-   Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
-   Natural Language Processing
-   Computer Vision
-   Machine Learning for Imaging
-   Computational Optimisation
-   Robotics
-   Robot Learning
-   Python Programming
-   Mathematics for Machine Learning
-   Quantum Computing
-   Computational Neurodynamics
-   Statistical Information Theory
-   Computational Finance
-   Software Engineering Group Project
-   Software Engineering for ML Systems
-   Modal Logic for Strategic Reasoning
-   Principles of Distributed Ledgers
-   Human-Robot Interaction
-   Ethics, Fairness, Explanation in AI

Students study taught courses from October to May. The internship will be introduced as an alternative to the traditional individual project running from May to September and hosted at Imperial, and will begin in the 23/24 academic year. We are therefore looking now for companies and organisations provisionally to agree to offer placements—so that we grow the number of possibilities for our students before their degree starts in October 2023.

-   The internship will run from mid-May to mid-September (4 months).
-   Supervision would be led by the company, supported by an academic from the Department of Computing.
-   The internship must have a substantial AI or machine learning content.
-   It could be a flexible mixture of engineering, programming, and research—but does not need to contain any research component.
-   Internships would be advertised to students in late October of the academic year; offers to students would need to be finalised by mid-January.

To discuss further, please contact:

  Dr Rob Craven,
  Dr Andreas Joergensen,

Useful contacts