Open Source

Our research relies on building new computational methods to address new engineering problems. That means we write our own codes and go through rigorous exercises of software design, development and testing. We advocate the use of version control and collaborative development and keep our codes on git servers. We participate in multiple open-source projects, including SU2Nektar++, and Incompact3D, on high-fidelity fluid-structure interaction and multidisciplinary optimization. Our purpose is to share our codes with the wider community once they are sufficiently mature for others to benefit from it, and also for traceability of our published results.

LoCA Software
Code Description Contributors
SHARPy Simulation of High-Aspect Ratio Planes (and HAWT) Preston, Cheng, Cea, Duessler, Goizueta, Muñoz, del Carre, Hesse, Maraniello, Murua, Simpson
Nektar++ High-order spectral/finite-element CFD for flow around complex geometries Lahooti, Bao
SU2 Aerodynamic optimization and FSI Gomes, Simiriotis, Venkatesan-Crome, Sanchez
Incompact3D/WInc3D High-order finite-difference incompressible CFD for wind farm simulation  Jane-Ippel, Muñoz, Deskos
CUP book scripts Supporting scripts for ''Dynamics of Flexible Aircraft" Palacios
LoCA Software

Open Data

Most of our research is sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the European Commission and as such we have the commitment to make freely and openly available our research outputs. All our software is directly available for download via github and distributed under very permissive open source licenses. Most recent papers we have published include a reference to the version of those tools for reproducibility, and whenever possible we release the input decks with model and configuration datasets (e.g., the aeroelastic model of the X-HALE).

Contact us

Prof Rafael Palacios

Room 338, City & Guilds Building
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ


Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5075