
The Barrer Centre has accumulated an impressive range of laboratory infrastructure in recent years through research grants and collaborative relationships with industrial partners. Its scientific expertise in separation science, analytical chemistry and adsorbent technologies has allowed the Centre team members to establish themselves as global leaders in separation materials, science and engineering.

Our core capabilities are:

  • World-class facilities for materials synthesis, laboratory bench scale to pilot scale membrane fabrication and testing facilities.
  • Collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to enhance materials discovery and innovation within the separations field.
  • Commercialisation and industrial partnerships with a long track record of successful commercial realisation of innovations and industrial collaborations.

Our innovative research is underpinned by a diverse and experienced research team including chemical engineers, polymer chemists, physicists, organic chemists, inorganic chemists, computational chemists and materials scientists.


Making sheet membranes with Marcus Cook from the Livingston group

Annual Report

Download our annual report.

Barrer Centre Annual Report 2018

Contact us

Barrer Centre
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus

Email: barrer.centre@imperial.ac.uk