6 June 2019 - welcome Peter Barty to join group and big congratulations for Peter's UROP Award!

6 June 2019 - congratulations to Thomas Upcraft for being awarded a travel grant and selected as a speaker and in EBNet ECR Conference 2019 to be held in early July 

20 May 2019 - congratulations to  Eniola Adeogba and Peter Barty to publish their research 'Waste-to-Resource Transformation: Gradient Boosting Modelling for Organic Fraction Municipal Solid Waste Projection'  on ACS  Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 

7th Feb 2019 - congratulations to Alex Durkin for his publication on journal ChemistryOpen 'Scale-up and sustainability evaluation of biopolymer production from citrus waste offering carbon capture and utilisation pathway' and featured as front cover

Dec 2018 - welcome Dr Elnaz Jamili to join our group as a postdoctoral Research Associate

Oct 2018 - congratulations to Alex Durkin  for his successful application to the Advanced School on Water Energy Food (WEF) Nexus held in Brazil 

Oct 2018 - welcome Elysia Lucas to join our group as a PhD reseracher! 

Oct 2018 - welcome Alex Durkin to join our group as a PhD researcher!

Oct 2018 - welcome Thomas Upcaft to join research group and wish Tom a great start of his PhD journey!

Oct 2018 -Dr Mingxing Zhao from Jiangnan University  successfully completed his research stay. It has been our great pleausre to host Dr Mingxing Zhao stuay and Wish Mingxing a good time in China. We will surely keep in touch 

4 Dec 2017 - welcome Qingyuan Kong to join group (EPSRC Knowledge Transfer) in collaboration with CNH Industrial 

1 Nov 2017 - welcome researcher Haoyu Wang to join our group (research on wastewater resource recovery)

10 Oct 2017 - Welcome our academic visitor Dr Mingxing Zhao from Jiangnan University co-hosted by Dr Geoff Fowler (collaborative research on protein recovry from wastewater) 

20 January 2017 - Model scoping workshop: Resilient and Sustainable Biorenewable Systems Model (ReSBio)

29 September 2016 - Imperial College London researcher Dr Miao Guo awarded EPSRC fellowship (Imperial news: 31 October 2016)

Contact us

Miao Guo, Principal Investigator and EPSRC Research Fellow,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus

Email: miao.guo@imperial.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7594 3379