We are currently recruiting new PhD students. If you are interested in working with us please contact Ben Sauer [ben.sauer@imperial.ac.uk], Stefan Truppe [s.truppe@imperial.ac.uk] or  Mike Tarbutt [m.tarbutt@imperial.ac.uk].


CCM Post-Graduate student opportunities

Available now- We have a limited number of other PhD studentships available. These are fully funded for UK (home) students and last for 3-4 years. Funding is more limited for EU and Overseas students. Interested applicants should contact  Ben Sauer [ben.sauer@imperial.ac.uk], Stefan Truppe [s.truppe@imperial.ac.uk] or Mike Tarbutt [m.tarbutt@imperial.ac.uk]  


UROP Summer Placements 

We enjoy taking on a few undergraduate students for summer projects. There is often more demand for these projects than we can accommodate. If you are interested in working with us we ask you to write a short application. In no more than one page, please tell us: 
- what you are interested in 
- what you hope to achieve working in the lab 
- if you have any particular technical expertise, e.g. in optics, electronics, computing or mechanical design (this is not a requirement, since one result of the project might be to learn some of this) 
- if you need to be paid. We have a limited funding for undergraduate research. 

We will make decisions on summer research in March. Please email your application letter to ben.sauer@imperial.ac.uk