Imperial Contacts

CNRS Contacts


Other Contacts


Abraham de Moivre International Research Laboratory

Director: Prof. Richard Craster, Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, and also member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is the former director of the Department of Mathematics (2011 to 2017) and Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences since January 2020 

Deputy Director: Pierre Degond, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT), CNRS UMR 5219, Toulouse 


Quantum Fields and Strings International Research Network

Imperial Coordinator: Prof. Dan Waldram, Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics

CNRS Coordinator: Boris Pioline, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE), CNRS UMR 7589, Paris 


Integrative Metabolism International Research Project

Imperial Coordinator: Prof. Mark Thursz, Division of Digestive Diseases

CNRS Coordinator: Prof. Marc-Emmanuel DumasGénomique fonctionnelle (epi) métabolique et mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le diabète de type 2 et les maladies associées, CNRS UMR 8199, Lille (also working at Imperial)