The interconnected areas of data science, machine learning and heterogenous computing are growth areas, and as an interdisciplinary centre we are ideally placed to contribute.
Various undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities are available through the Groups and Departments participating in the Centre.
Seminars & lectures
- Z. Que, Accelerating graph neural network for jet tagging using FPGAs, Compute Accelerator Forum, CERN.
- M. Barbone, Introduction to FPGA acceleration, CERN OpenLab Lecture Programme.
- A. Rose, Trigger and DAQ, UK Advanced Instrumentation Training 2022.
- M. Barbone, Introduction to FPGA acceleration, Compute Accelerator Forum, CERN.
- M. Barbone, Practical HPC, Flatiron Institute, New York.
Masters & undergraduate projects
- S. Baccas, Accelerated Bayesian Cluster Analysis for Super Resolved Microscopy, MSc report (supervisors: A. Rose, P. French).
- Computing students at undergraduate and MSc level through the Custom Computing Research Group