Membrane Receptor Network Committee

  • Dr Alejandra Tomas

    Personal details

    Dr Alejandra Tomas Senior Lecturer

    Network Lead

    Faculty of Medicine,  Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

  • Dr Aylin Hanyaloglu

    Personal details

    Dr Aylin Hanyaloglu Reader in Cell Biology

    Network Lead

    Faculty of Medicine, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

  • Dr Victoria Salem

    Personal details

    Dr Victoria Salem Senior Clinical Lecturer

    Faculty of Engineering Representative

    Faculty of Engineering Department of Bioengineering

  • Professor Bernadette Byrne

    Personal details

    Professor Bernadette Byrne Professor of Molecular Membrane Biology

    Faculty of Natural Sciences Representative

    Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Life Sciences


  • Dr Ben Jones

    Personal details

    Dr Ben Jones Senior Clinical Research Fellow

    Clinical Representative

    Faculty of Medicine Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

  • Dr Vania Braga

    Personal details

    Dr Vania Braga Reader in Cell-cell Adhesion Signalling

    NHLI Representative

    Faculty of Medicine National Heart & Lung Institute


  • Dr Abigail Walker

    Personal details

    Dr Abigail Walker Postdoctoral Research Associate

    Communications/Social Media Lead

    Faculty of Medicine Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction


  • Ms Yusman Manchanda

    Personal details

    Ms Yusman Manchanda Research Coordinator

    Events Coordinator

    Faculty of Medicine Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction


  • Dr Alexandra Skeaping

    Personal details

    Dr Alexandra Skeaping Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation Officer

    Industry Partnership Coordinator

    Central Faculty Enterprise


The Committee is interested in recruiting additional representatives from each of the different Departments and Faculties in the Network. Please email if you are interested in joining the committee. 

Join the Network

For further information, or to join the Network, please email