Scope, aims and objectives


Lower Limb musculoskeletal dynamics

In this research area, novel formulations of the indeterminate problem of solving the muscle sharing problem in lower limb musculoskeletal dynamics are addressed. Two key areas of focus include the development of coherent, unique lower limb anatomy datasets, and fidelic modelling of the knee.

Upper limb musculoskeletal dynamics

This research theme is in collaboration with the UK Shoulder Biomechanics Group in which novel methods of modelling the muscular activations and ligament loading during upper limb tasks are developed, tested, and applied.

Key publications

Ding Z, Nolte D, Tsang CK, Cleather DJ, Kedgley AE, Bull AMJ. In vivo knee contact force prediction using patient-specific musculoskeletal geometry in a segment-based computational model. J Biomech Eng 138, (2016):021018-1 - 021018-9

Cleather DJ, Bull AMJ. The development of a segment-based musculoskeletal model of the lower limb: Introducing FreeBody. Royal Society Open Science 2, (2015): 140449.

Prinold JAI, Bull AMJ. Scaling and kinematics optimisation of the scapula and thorax in upper limb musculoskeletal models. J Biomech 47, (2014), 2813-2819. PMID: 25011621

Eftaxiopoulou T, Macdonald W, Britzman D, Bull AMJ. Gait compensations in rats after a temporary nerve palsy, quantified using dynamics and kinematics, J Neuroscience Methods 232, (2014), 16-23

Cleather DJ, Bull AM, Influence of inverse dynamics methods on the calculation of inter-segmental moments in vertical jumping and weightlifting., Biomed Eng Online, 2010, Vol:9

Contact us

Professor Anthony Bull
Department of Bioengineering
Room B217, Bessemer Building
Imperial College London
London, SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5186

Map: We are located at B2 Bessemer Building on the map
Detailed instructions on how to find us on the campus