
Name Status Thesis Title
Ziwei Chen PhD, Year 1 (registered 10/2023) Unobtrusive in-home sensing of activities of daily living using ultra-wideband radar
Natalia Martinez PhD, Year 1 (registered 10/2023) Low-power scalable microsystem for implantable neural interfaces
Mei Kirby PhD, Year 2 (registered 10/2022)
Adaptive deep brain stimulation for the amelioration of circadian dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Niro Yogendran PhD, Year 2 (registered 10/2022)
Networked Radar for Remote Patient Monitoring in Movement Disorders
Berkay Ozbek PhD, Year 2 (registered 04/2022) Efficient wireless architecture for implantable neural microsystems
Dimitrios Antoniades PhD, Year 3* (registered 11/2021)
Front-end design for neural recording in human grade devices
Maowen Yin PhD, Year 3 (registered 10/2021) Unobtrusive in-home sensing of physiology using ultra-wideband radar
Zachary Nairac PhD, Year 3 (registered 10/2021)
Peripheral nerve interface for bidirectional control of an upper limb prosthesis
Vichaya Manatchinapisit PhD, Year 4 (registered 10/2020)
Electrode impedance characterization for implantable neural interfaces
Charalambos Hadjipanayi PhD, Year 4 (registered 10/2020) Coherent ultra-wideband radar for motion analysis of people living with dementia
Steven Wong PhD, Year 4* (registered 10/2020) Intra-operative tissue identification using bioimpedance and optical characterisation
Alan Bannon PhD, Year 4 (registered 10/2020) Networked SoC radar systems for human observations
Andrea Mifsud PhD, Year 4 (registered 10/2020) A CMOS Platform for Rapid Characterisation of Emerging Resistive Switching Technologies
*part time
Summary of the table's contents


Name Status Thesis Title
Dr. Matthew Cavuto Pending award Developing rapid and portable point-of-care molecular diagnostic solutions for low-resource environments
Dr. Zheng Zhang Awarded 11/2023 Real-time neural signal processing and low-power hardware co-design for wireless implantable brain machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Oscar Savolainen Awarded 06/2023 Hardware-efficient data compression in wireless intracortical brain-machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Bryan Hsieh Awarded 10/2022 Sleep studies in mice - open and closed loop devices for untethered recording and stimulation (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Michal Maslik Awarded 01/2022 Resource-Constrained Acquisition Circuits for Next Generation Neural Interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Katarzyna Szostak-Lipowicz Awarded 12/2021 Microsystem integration and packaging for chip-scale implantable devices (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Dorian Haci Awarded 11/2021 Intrabody Power and Data Communication Systems for Advanced Multi-Module Neural Implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Federico Mazza Awarded 03/2021 Integrated sensors for ensuring chronic reliability in mm-sized neural implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Adrien Rapeaux Awarded 01/2021 Algorithms and systems for highly-selective neural stimulation and recording (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Nur Ahmadi Awarded 04/2020 Real-time neural signal processing for next-generation brain-machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Peilong Feng Awarded 04/2020 Completely wireless infrastructure for distributed mm-sized neural implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Timo Lauteslager Awarded 03/2020 Coherent Ultra-Wideband Radar-on-Chip for Medical Sensing and Imaging (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Francesca Troiani Awarded 02/2019 Time domain optical coherence tomography for compound action potential recording: computational analysis and system requirements (PhD thesis)
Dr. Lieuwe Leene Awarded 12/2016 Brain Machine Interfaces: Low Power Techniques for CMOS Based System Integration (PhD thesis)
Dr. Onur Guven Awarded 11/2016 Computationally-Efficient Algorithms For Real-Time ECG Baseline Removal (PhD thesis)
Dr. Stephen Woods  Awarded 08/2016 Wireless capsule endoscope for targeted drug delivery (PhD thesis)
Dr. Deren Barsakcioglu Awarded 01/2016 Resource-efficient on-node spike sorting (PhD thesis)
Dr. Ian Williams Awarded 11/2014  Methods and microelectronics for proprioceptive neural feedback (PhD thesis)
Dr. Song Luan Awarded 11/2014 Integrated electronics for targeted intraspinal microstimulation (PhD thesis)
Dr. Sivylla Paraskevopoulou Awarded 11/2013 Resource-efficient algorithms and circuits for highly-scalable BMI channel architectures (PhD thesis)
Dr. Alexandru Serb Awarded 11/2013 Electro-optic platform for free space CMOS photonics (PhD thesis)
Summary of the table's contents