Artis Kinens

Artis Kinens

Dates: Jan 2022 - Jun 2022 (IMPERIAL)
Background: Researcher at Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Project: xxx
Sponsor: xxx
Whereabouts: Researcher at Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

Christine Tran

Christine Tran

Dates: Sept 2016 - Sept 2017 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD student at the Paris Descartes University, France
Project: The synthesis of alpha-helix mimetics to block nuclear receptor PPI interfaces
Sponsor: The Fondation ARC Pour la Recherche sur le Cancer
Whereabouts: Postdoc at Institut des sciences et technologies de Paris

Olga Bodero


Dates: Jan 2014 - Dec 2015 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD student at the University of Salamanca, Spain
Project: Synthesis of novel alpha-helix mimetics for cancer therapy
Sponsor: Marie Curie fellowship grant
Whereabouts: Unknown

Federica Pisaneschi


Dates: Nov 2006 - Dec 2013 (IMPERIAL)
Background: Undergraduate and PhD student at the University of Florence, Italy (PhD Supervisor - Prof. Alberto Brandi)
Project: Synthesis of HER-1/2 PET labelling agents
Sponsor: Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Whereabouts: Houston, Texas, USA

Jimmy Sejberg


Dates: April 2010 – March 2013 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Prof. Mikael Begtrup at the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with Novo Nordisk. He also spent 6 months working on the total synthesis of Cardinalin 3 inProf. Margaret Brimble’s group at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
Project: The synthesis of aspercyclide A and analogues
Sponsor: EU FP7 Marie Curie Fellow grant
Whereabouts: Researcher at the Institute of Cancer Research(ICR), Sutton, UK

Ola Åberg


Dates: February 2010 – May 2012 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Prof. Bengt Långström, Uppsala University, Sweden
Project: Molecular Imaging of Angiogenesis In Cancer
Sponsor: CRUK platform grant
Whereabouts: Researcher at the Preclinical PET Platform, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden

Mahesh Mohan


Dates: March 2007 – March 2011 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Prof. John A. Murphy at WestCHEM, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Project: Development of new chiral DMAP small molecule nucleophilic catalysts for efficient non-enzymatic kinetic resolution of alcohols and amines
Sponsor: EPSRC funded post doctoral grant
Whereabouts: Career Development Fellow with Dr. Jason Chin, MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK

Daniel Offerman


Dates: Aug 2007 – Dec 2009 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Dr Peter Duggan, Monash University, Australia and post-doc with Prof Martin Banwell, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia
Project: Development of antagonists of the human IgE-FceRI protein-protein interaction and total synthesis of Aspercyclide A
Sponsor: EPSRC-MRC 'LifeScience Interface' funded 3 year post doctoral grant
Whereabouts: Medicinal Chemist with Biota, Melbourne, Australia

Paul McDaid


Dates: Nov. 2004 – Aug 2006 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Prof. Li Deng, Brandeis University, USA
Project: Atropisomeric chiral DMAP catalysts for asymmetric synthesis
Sponsor: EPSRC funded 3 year post doctoral grant
Whereabouts: Process Chemist with Pfizer, Cork, Ireland

Stellios Arseniyadis


Dates: Jun. 2003 - Sept. 2004 (IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Prof. Charles Mioskowski, University Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, France and post-doc with Rhodia-Chirex, Boston, USA
Project: Atropisomeric chiral DMAP catalysts for asymmetric synthesis
Sponsor: EPSRC funded 3 year post doctoral grant
Whereabouts: Post-doc with Prof. K. C. Nicolaou, Scripps Institute, La Jolla, California, USA. Chargé de Recherche au CNRS, ESPCI, Paris, France

Mihaela Pop


Dates: Sept. 2001 - Nov. 2004 (SHEFFIELD & IMPERIAL)
Background: PhD with Dr Graeme Hogarth, University College London, UK
Project: Atropisomeric chiral DMAP-N-oxides: catalysts for asymmetric synthesis
Sponsor: Leverhulme Trust funded 3 year post doctoral grant
Whereabouts: Unknown

Ratnasothy Srikaran


Dates: Nov. 2001-Oct. 2002 (SHEFFIELD)
Background: PhD with Dr Alan Spivey, University of Sheffield, UK (now Imperial College London, UK)
Project: A combinatorial approach to identifying protein thiols susceptible to post-translational nitrosative modification
Sponsor: BBSRC funded 3 year post doctoral grant; collaboration with Prof. Tim H.W. Higenbottam, Section of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK and AstraZeneca, Charnwood, Lough borough, UK
Whereabouts: Senior lecturer, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Mahesh Goghari


Dates: Mar. 1999 - April 2001 (SHEFFIELD)
Background: PhD Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India
Project: A combinatorial approach to identifying p rotein thiols susceptible to post-translational nitrosative modification
Sponsor: BBSRC funded 3 year post doctoral grant; collaboration with Prof. Tim H.W. Higenbottam, Section of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK and AstraZeneca, Charnwood, Loughborough, UK
Whereabouts: Unknown

John McKendrick


Dates: Mar. 1998 - Sept. 2000 (SHEFFIELD)
Background: PhD with Prof. David Robbins, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK and postdoc with Prof. John C. Vederas, University of Alberta, Canada
Project: Solid phase synthesis of anagonists of the allergic cascade
Sponsor: Wellcome Trust grant; in collaboration with Dr Birgit Helm, Department of M olecular Biology and Biotechnology, Sheffield, UK
Whereabouts: Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Reading, Reading, UK

Tomasz Fekner


Dates: Nov. 1996 - Nov. 1999 (SHEFFIELD)
Background: PhD with Prof. Jack Baldwin, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Project: Asymmetrisation by nucleophilic catalysis: a new route to homochiral materials
Sponsor: Leverhulme Trust grant
Whereabouts: Postdoc with Prof. Michael Chan at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Postdoc with Prof. Patrick J. Guiry, University College Dublin, Ireland. Senior research associate with Prof. Michael Chan at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Contact details

Skype: alan.spivey

Tel & Fax: +44 (0)20 75945841

Further links:

Linkedin profile
Professional web page