Research Technician position (vacant)

A Research Technician position is currently available in our lab to study unconventional mechanisms of iron sensing & regulation of iron homeostasis in Trypanosoma brucei. Interested? Email us a copy of your CV, research interests and names of three referees.

Other Positions

We do not currently have any other positions available. However, if you are interested in our work please email us a copy of your CV and a brief description of research interests. You might be eligible for other streams of external funding.

PhD studentships

Students interested in undertaking postgraduate research in our group should contact the lab directly. Students with independent funding from government bursaries are also welcome to make informal inquiries by email.


We are always open to creative and innovative ideas that can enable us to expand our research capabilities.

We are also interested in training the next generation of biomedical scientists, particularly African scientists. We are happy to collaborate in sourcing funding for workshops/courses, engage in short- and long-term exchange programs, build exchange networks, give lectures, workshops etc.

We believe that no one idea is supreme and joining hands with others present some of the best ways to tackle the health challenges facing the world's poorest nations.

If you are interested in collaborating please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

Dr. Calvin Tiengwe
Dept. of Life Sciences,
503 Sir Ernst Chain Building,
Imperial College London,
SW7 2AZ, UK 
