SKF (UTC) Personnel
The SKF University Technology Centre in Advanced Modelling and Measurements in Tribology formalises the long standing relationship between the Tribology group and SKF and raises our research cooperation to a higher level. Through the close cooperation between SKF and the Tribology group, the UTC for Tribology supports a broad scope of fundamental research work in tribology, while ensuring that this research is rapidly and successfully applied to real SKF applications such as prolonging the life of rolling element bearings in difficult environments and decreasing energy consumption by reducing bearing friction.
As a global supplier of rolling element bearings, seals, mechatronics and lubrication services, SKF considers tribology research to be fundamental to their success and have their own central research facility in Houten, Utrecht, Netherlands which liaises closely with the UTC.
The centre is governed by a framework agreement between Imperial and SKF. The funding from SKF supports day-to-day operation of the Centre and a number of PhD and post doctoral researchers who work on projects under the UTC umbrella. The framework agreement allows for a wide range of projects that can vary in duration from a few months to three years. The UTC was inaugurated in 2010 and was renewed in 2015 and 2020.
Imperial UTC personnel:
- Dr Amir Kadiric - UTC Co-Director and Reader in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Professor Hugh Spikes - UTC Co-Director
- Professor Stathis Ioannides - Visiting Professor in the Tribology Group and SKF ex-Director of Product R&D
SKF UTC personnel:
- Professor Guillermo E. Morales-Espejel - UTC Technical Lead at SKF (SKF Principal Scientist, SKF RTD and Visiting Professor at Imperial College)
- Dr Kenred Stadler - UTC Liaison at SKF (Manager R&D Collaborations, SKF RTD)
UTC Staff:
- Benjamin Wainwright - UTC Manager and Research Associate
PhD Students:
- Björn Kunzelmann
- Chiara Bertuccioli
- David Uribe Saenz De Camara
- Roland Jones
- Xikai Yu
Former Members:
- Dr Achilleas Vortselas
- Dr Ali Hajishafiee
- Dr Arnaud Ruellan du Crehu
- Dr Bo Peng
- Dr Damon Lee
- Dr Daniel Lofgren
- Dr Francesco Manieri
- Dr He Liang (Holly)
- Dr Johan Guegan
- Dr Kostas Pagkalis
- Dr Mark Fowell
- Dr Nicola de Laurentis
- Dr Pawel Rycerz
- Dr Robbie Balcombe
- Dr Rachel Januszewski
- Dr Yilun Xu
Location: Room 456, City and Guilds Building, Imperial College London