researcher uses machinery in lab

We are developing understanding and technologies to enable stable and robust infrastructures that underpin the delivery of services – from water, fuel and power, to data, communications and the banking system – to make societies resilient.

A sustainable society plans for long term success, and a resilient society plans to accommodate rapid and possibly sudden changes. These bring different, if overlapping, challenges. The digital revolution will transform all aspects of society.


Within each theme, we have identified sub-themes of particular areas of research strength, and areas that offer opportunities to build new strengths. These sub-themes will be developed and refined by working groups.

  • Cyber Security and Digital Ethics – developing research to build a digital world that is secure, inclusive and accessible by all, protecting individuals and creating benefits for society
  • Health and Wellbeing Infrastructure – using advances in AI, data and social media to enable better, longer lives, both at home and in hospital care
  • Financial Resilience and Infrastructure Security – exploring the behaviour of financial markets, improving risk management, promoting investment and generating productivity, in order to address the resources needed to effect change and to make sure that we are able to control and to cope with the future environment
  • Low Carbon Energy Networks – reducing society’s carbon footprint by taking a systemic approach to analysis and integration, information policy and regulation for low-carbon energy, including renewables, storage and metabolic engineering
  • Climate Change Mitigation – using our strengths in the above areas, and in pollution, energy transition, ecology and diversity, to help develop resilience in critical areas

Cross-faculty initiatives

Our world-leading research and teaching in health are exemplified by our cross-faculty initiatives and specialist centres. 

The Data Science Institute

The Data Science Institute brings together the talents of a wide variety of researchers to address issues that are too big to be tackled by individual academics, from health inequalities and the dangers of global warming, to the opportunities created by big data and molecular engineering.


A ground-breaking Dementia Research Institute Centre at Imperial is developing technologies to create dementia-friendly ‘Healthy Homes’ and provide insights into how dementia develops.

Researchers in an electronics lab

The Song Research Group focuses on functional materials and membrane technology for solving global energy and environmental challenges, including advanced batteries for energy storage, CO2 capture, gas and chemical separations, and water purification.

Download the Academic Strategy Summary [PDF, 7.5 MB]Download the Academic Strategy [PDF, 5.5MB]