Mother looking at book with young child of two yearsWhat students say about Follow My Footsteps

  • "Amazing course! Loved it and very useful both in medicine and in life for the future!"

  • "Great experience! would recommend to all med students!"

  • "The course was very useful. I really enjoyed it"

  • "I think the teaching has been great. I have really enjoyed my tutorials with Dr Miele - have often left feeling very stimulated so thank you"

  • "Thank you for allowing us to have this unique opportunity to undertake such a dynamic programme. It was genuinely very interesting to learn about pregnancy and child development from a real-life example and it was a privilege to get to know the family and the child"

What surprised previous Follow My Footsteps students about their first home visit?

“How different two different pregnancies can be. … the first one she had been very depressed …how much the mother knew.. She was educating us …How open the Mother was with us, particularly regarding her social history and the effect on her relationship with her partner….How welcome and open the patient was. She took being asked the depression scale quite well….very open about her pregnancy and personal life

…How friendly and open they were to us …I thought the patient would be a lot happier about being pregnant. …How strongly the patient held her religious beliefs….how open our patient was. She told us some very personal details about her life and appeared to feel comfortable doing so. …How open and willing to discuss the mother was of her personal life, and how much she enjoyed it!

... honest about her pregnancy, didn’t "paint the rosy picture" …Our patient has Factor V Leiden which I was not expecting... open and willing to talk about previous depression. … very good knowledge of her family tree! The hospitality of the patient and her quality of life despite unfortunate circumstances. How open she was. There were a lot of questions that I would've been hesitant to answer in her position.

….How organised and structured the notes were, also the fact that the health service seemed attentive making sure she had extra scans as her first child was small for his age.”

What interested previous students about their first Follow My Footsteps tutorial?

“… Encouraged to consider pregnancy from a maternal perspective …. enlightening … effects of epigenetics … 'bio-developmental framework‘”

“…Factors influencing child development before birth and after… family dynamics … how the environment influences development in utero… exploring environmental and genetic factors which influence offspring”

“…My fellow tutorial people and their experiences growing up… perinatal determinants of future health, and possible mechanisms”

“… The part where we looked at each others family trees was really interesting… I learnt a lot about what might have affected me in my upbringing that I’d never thought of before.”



For full details and any questions please contact:

Jennifer Haley
Programme Administrator

+44 (0)20 7594 3985