Applications for a place in our continuing halls are now open. Access AccHub to start your application.

As a continuing undergraduate student, you have the opportunity to apply for accommodation in our continuing halls of residence. Choose from Evelyn Gardens, Parsons House, and Xenia.

When applications open, visit our Accommodation Hub to apply. Be sure to select the 2024/25 academic year on the homepage. You'll be asked to select 5 room choices, prioritising them according to your preferences.

Do not attempt to apply before the official launch date. Applications received prior to the opening with be invalid and you may be unable to submit a second application.

Should you encounter any technical challenges during the application process, don't hesitate to contact us at

Keep in mind that accommodation in our continuing halls is limited. We encourage students to explore options in the private sector as well, regardless of your intent to apply here.

For additional information on our halls of residence and the allocation process, consult our FAQs.