Overview of the Barrer Centre
Professor Andrew Livingston (Director, Barrer Centre), and Dr Bradley Ladewig (Theme leader, Barrer Centre) provide a short overview of the Barrer Centre, its objectives, uniqueness and why they're excited to be a part of this new world-leading research centre in separation materials, science and engineering.
Our aims and vision
"A key aim of the Centre is to stimulate, develop and deliver high quality research in all aspects of membrane and adsorption science and technology across all scales, ranging from the nanoscale to the macro-scale."
Professor Andrew Livingston and Professor Kang Li
Barrer Centre Co-Directors
Established in October 2016, the Barrer Centre's mission is to undertake ground breaking research, setting the agenda for materials science and engineering which leads to innovations in separation processes. In particular the Centre will focus on paradigm changing membrane and adsorption science and technology; and on the translation of our research into beneficial impacts on industry and society. We will work across polymeric and inorganic materials, partnering with industry sectors including oil and gas, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, water and agricultural.
The Barrer Centre brings together leading researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London involved in membranes, adsorbents and separation materials to achieve breakthrough research, particularly in water recovery and environmental protection, energy conversion, fluid separation, food technology, bioprocessing and biomedical devices.
The Barrer Centre promotes the mutually beneficial sharing of ideas, data, experience, and expertise between academics and external organisations as well as the public. The Centre seeks to build a highly trained separation research team, through specialist training in all aspects and across all scales of membrane and adsorption science and technology, ranging from nanoscale- which will include designing novel materials and the understanding of the separation mechanisms to the macro-scale- with the manufacturing of full-scale membranes and adsorbents.
The Barrer Centre aims to play a pivotal role in developing a scientifically rooted membrane industry in the UK serving the separation research landscape in the UK and globally. The Centre’s researchers network, communicate and collaborate with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including industrialists, interested individuals, government representatives, and researchers from other academic institutions, to enhance discovery and innovation within the separation field.
Aims and hallmarks of the Barrer Centre
Professor Andrew Livingston, Director of the Barrer Centre provides an overview of the aims and hallmarks of the Barrer Centre. Find out more at http://www.imperial.ac.uk/barrer-centre/
Contact us
Barrer Centre
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
Email: barrer.centre@imperial.ac.uk