The Institute of Chemical Biology Centre for Doctoral Training Advisory Board
Board MemberPositionAffiliation
Prof Paula Booth (Chair of the ICB CDT Advisory Board)  Head of Department  Department of Chemistry, King's College London, UK
Dr Laura Barter Co-Director of the ICB CDT; Senior Lecturer  Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Dr Paola Castaldi

Associate Director, Head of Chemical Biology

 AstraZeneca, USA
Prof Oscar Ces  Director of the ICB and CDT; Professor of Chemical Biology  Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Prof Andrew deMello  Professor of Biochemical Engineering  Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH, CH
Prof Stephen Evans  Professor of Molecular and Nanoscale Physics  School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK
Prof Sue Gibson  Chair in Chemistry, Director of the Graduate School  Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Dr Natalia Goehring  Institute of Chemical Biology and CDT Manager  Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Dr Tom Heightman  Vice President Chemistry  Astex pharmaceuticals, UK
Dr Lyn Jones  Head of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Vice President  Jnana Therapeutics, USA
Prof Tony Magee  Chair in Membrane Biology, Deputy Director of the Imperial College Graduate School  National Heart a& Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK
Dr Gabriel Scalliet  Team Leader Fungicide MOR  Syngenta, CH
Prof Alethea Tabor  Head of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Section  Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK
Dr Rudiger Woscholski  Co-Director of the ICB CDT, Reader in Chemical Biology  Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Board meetings are also attended by representatives of the EPSRC and CDT students
ICB CDT Advisory Board

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Project Manager:
Emma Pallett

Dr Laura Barter