What we do


ECMC provides biostatistical support  (e.g. sample size and power calculation, advice on the study design and statistical analysis plan) for early Phase I/II clinical trials or biomarker evaluation and target identification studies using clinical trial samples. Email queries to ecmcstatistics@imperial.ac.uk

Coordinate and run early phase trials

We have early phase, imaging and surgery trial coordinators who can help develop clinical trial protocols and run the trials.


We can help collect a range of samples from patients enrolled on clinical trials or undergoing standard care of treatment. Types of samples include surgical tissue, biopsy, whole blood, plasma, serum, urine, PBMCs and ascetic/cystic/pleural fluids.

Help researchers develop laboratory manuals so that samples are collected using standardised methods and using best practice.

BRC Circulating Tumour Biomarker

The BRC Circulating Biomarker Laboratory can analyse isolate and analyse single circulating tumour cells (CTCs) and cell-free circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) from patient samples.
The laboratory is equipped with  Cell Search; DEPArray NxT and has access to RainDrop Digital PCR system and Ion Chef/Ion S5 platforms.

Research Pathology Facility

We have histologist embedded in the Imperial Pathology Facility at Charing Cross Hospital who can provide:

  • Cutting up
  • Processing and embedding tissue
  • Microtomy
  • Haematoxylin
  • Antibody optimisation
  • Immunohistochemistry service

How to access ECMC support?

Who can apply?
Any Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare Trust staff involved in early translational cancer research.

Required Criteria for ECMC support.
The project work must meet ECMC remit which is early phase clinical trial/studies or biomarker evaluation and validation


Research support application process

Who can apply? - Any cancer researchers at Imperial who is carrying out early phase clinical trials or biomarker evaluation.

Download the application form (biostatistical support)

Download the application form (laboratory support)

ECMC Acknowledgement

Any work supported by Imperial ECMC must be acknowledged in study publications.

Suggested acknowledgement text-  ‘This work is/was funded by grants from <funder1 and funder2>, and infrastructure support was provided by Imperial Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre, Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Tissue Bank’