The overall aim of the research in the Group is improvement in flexibility and to reduction of lead times during design, process development and manufacture of complex engineering products.

A particular focus has been in dealing with free-form engineering parts defined using NURBS, as the main modelling entity in modern CAD/CAM systems.

CAD model updating The research activities cover a number of areas including:

  • Geometric modelling
  • Dimensional metrology using contact and non-contact measuring systems
  • CAD model updating and reconstruction from point data
  • Integration between various activities during product and manufacturing process development
  • Collaborative design and manufacture across the supply chain
  • Distributed manufacturing planning and control

Contact us

Dr. Mihailo Ristic
Senior Lecturer
T: +44 (0)207 594 7048

Dr. Djorje Brujic
Research Fellow
T: +44 (0)207 594 7175