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Together with colleagues across Imperial's Faculty of Engineering, we organise the Materials Engineering & Mechanics Seminars. These typically happen on Thursdays at 2 pm in the Skempton building. Please contact us if you wish to be included in our mailing list. 

Future seminars

Past seminars

Prof. Javier Llorca (Technical University of Madrid, IMDEA Materials)
Thursday, 7 April 2022. 2-3 pm Room 164, Skempton building
"Mg scaffolds fabricated by power bed laser fusion for orthopaedic applications"
For more details see here.


Dr Wei Tan (Queen Mary University of London)
Thursday, 28 April 2022. 2-3 pm Room 164, Skempton building
"Mechanics of composite materials: From load bearing to shape morphing"
For more details see here.

Prof. Luca Susmel (University of Sheffield)
Thursday, 19 May 2022. 2-3 pm Room 164, Skempton building 
"Mechanical/cracking behaviour of plain/notched additively manufactured polylactide (PLA) under static loading: effect of notch sharpness, infill angle and infill level"
For more details see here.

Dr Enrique Galindo-Nava (University College London)
Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 2-3 pm Room 164, Skempton building
"Modelling H diffusion in multi-phase alloys: Bridging the gaps in multi-scale modelling"
For more details see here.

Dr Federico Bossi (University College London)
Thursday, 14 July 2022, 2-3 pm Room 201. Skempton building.
"Mechanics of ultralightweight solids: from membranes to architected materials"
For more details see here.

Dr Alessandro Leronni (University of Cambridge)
Thursday, 28 July 2022. 2-3 pm Room 164, Skempton building
"Delamination of a sandwich layer by diffusion of a corrosive species"
For more details see here.

Prof Laurence Brassart (University of Oxford)
Wednesday, 17 August 2022. 2-3 pm Room SKEM201, Skempton building
"Constitutive modelling of hydrolytic degradation in hydrogels"
For more details see here.

Dr Saurabh Kabra (RAL, STFC)
Tuesday, 27 September 2022. 2-3 pm Room CAGB LT 300
"Engineering and Imaging techniques at ISIS neutron and muon source "
For more details see here.

Prof Zachary Harris (University of Pittsburg)
Thursday, 6 October 2022. 2-3 pm Room 207, Skempton building
"On the hydrogen environment-assisted cracking susceptibility of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel"
For more details see here.

Prof Pedro Rivera-Diaz-Del-Castillo (Lancaster)
Thursday, 27 October 2022. 2-3 pm Room SKEM315 (Skempton building)
"Hydrogen embrittlement in additive manufacturing and welds"
For more details see here.

Prof Carmen Andrade (CIMNE)
Thursday, 3 November 2022. 2-3 pm Room SKEM315 (Skempton Building)
"Reinforcement corrosion in outdoor exposure"
For more details see here.

Prof Fernando Duda (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Thursday, 17 November 2022. 2-3 pm Room SKEM315 (Skempton building)
"Coupling species migration and phase transformation in strained solids"
For more details see here

Prof Mattia Bacca (University of British Columbia)
Thursday, 15 December 2022. 2-3 pm Room SKEM315 (Skempton Building)
"Puncture mechanics of soft solids: A theoretical perspective"
For more details see here.

Prof Jan Zeman (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Thursday, 19 January 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM163 (Skempton building)
"Wang tiles for exploring and manufacturing modular metamaterials"
For more details see here.

Prof Corrado Maurini (Sorbonne Université)
Thursday, 2 February 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM064A
"Crack nucleation in variational phase-field models of brittle fracture"
For more details see here.

Dr Peter Grassl (University of Glasgow)
Thursday, 9 February 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM064A
"Exploring the mechanics of corrosion induced cracking"
For more details see here.


Prof Björn Kiefer (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
Thursday, 16 February 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM307
"Computational Chemo-Mechanics for Modern Engineering Materials"
For more details see here.

Ed Butcher (National Nuclear Laboratory)
Thursday, 2 March 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM 207
"UK Nuclear Waste Management – A (Very) Brief Introduction"
For more details see here.


Prof Ali Mehmanparast (University of Strathclyde)
Thursday, 16 March 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM 207
"The effects of manufacturing processes on structural integrity assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine foundations"
For more details see here.

Prof Christian Niordson (Technical University of Denmark, DTU)
Thursday, 13 April 2023. 2-3 pm Room CAGB 640
"On effects of void distribution on yield surfaces"
For more details see here.

Dr Mokarram Hossain (Swansea University)
Thursday, 18 May 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM 315
"A modular experimentally-driven computational modelling framework for soft thermo-electro-active polymers"
For more details see here.


Prof Ravindra Duddu (Vanderbilt University)
Thursday, 22 June 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM315
"Forward and Inverse Modeling of Glacier and Ice-shelf Fracture"
For more details see here.

Prof Bai-Xiang Xu (TU Darmstadt)
Thursday, 29 June 2023. 2-3 pm Room SKEM207
"Multiphysics phase-field modeling and simulation of advanced materials and processing"
For more details see here.

Dr Eric Prestat (UK Atomic Energy Authority)
Thursday, 10 August 2023. 2-3 pm SKEM 315
"Understanding oxidation mechanism using in situ analytical transmission electron microscopy"
For more details see here.

 Dr Robert Bird (University of Durham)
Thursday, 24 August 2023. 2-3 pm SKEM 164
"Phase field: An hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for phase field fracture"
For more details see here.


Contact us

Write to for establishing a collaboration or to inquire for vacancies.