Postgraduate Research Opportunities

PhDs in the CNE


According to the Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board, in 2016 Imperial College London had the most PhD students studying nuclear energy in the UK. We would be delighted to consider your application to join our community, which combines expertise across the fuel cycle, industrial and government support and cutting-edge facilities to produce world-class research.

If there are no advertised PhD opportunities please contact CNE academics directly. Before making contact you should:

  • Think carefully about what field of nuclear engineering you are interested in and how your study might be funded;
  • identify an appropriate supervisor (see CNE academics list) and prepare a proposal and an up-to-date CV;
  • once prepared, send the proposal and CV to your targeted supervisor(s). In the e-mail you should also explain your motivation/aspirations and how the study might be funded;
  • await a response - if you are offered an interview you should then contact the Teaching Office in the Department your proposed supervisor is located and they will advise you on the application process for PhDs.

However, you may be interested in our studentships offered by our Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy >>>

EPSRC CDT in Nuclear Energy Futures

In collaboration with the University of Cambridge, the University of Bristol, The Open University and Bangor University, the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Nuclear Energy Futures will provide you with a world-class background in nuclear technology, funded by the EPSRC.


Contact us

Centre for Nuclear Engineering
Department of Materials
Imperial College London
Royal School of Mines
Exhibition Road London
SW7 2AZ - UK