PhD positions in Process Automation Group

  1. There are no vacancies at the present time.
  2. PhD vacancies may become available when there is new funding for a specific project. These vacancies are advertised in and the Imperial College studentships web page. Selection is by means of a competitive and formal hiring process involving assessment of CVs against the research skill requirements and a panel interview (face-to-face or by phone).
  3. The Department of Chemical Engineering offers scholarships for PhD studies to outstanding candidates. The application process is described on the Chemical Engineering Department website.
  4. Prospective PhD students with independent financial support in the form of a full scholarship from a government or industrial sponsor may apply directly through the Imperial College online admission system. There is a space in the application form to indicate choice of supervisor (Prof Thornhill) and research area (Process Automation).

Postdoctoral positions

Vacancies for postdoctoral researchers become available when there is funding for a specific project. Selection is by means of a competitive and formal hiring process starting with advertisements in

Undergraduate internships

The Process Automation Group does not sponsor undergraduate internships, apart from (i) Imperial College students eligible for the Imperial UROP scheme and (ii) EU students with Erasmus funding whose professors already have close links.

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622