Process Systems Engineering is the study of approaches to analysis and design of complex process engineering systems and the development tools and techniques required for this. The tools enable Process Systems Engineers to be able to systematically develop products and processes across a wide range of systems involving chemical and physical change: from molecular and genetic phenomena to manufacturing processes and to related business processes. The Sargent Centre is dedicated to performing research and to developing integrated models, methodologies and tools to exploit complex, multi-scaled physical, engineering and industrial systems through:
- Requirements and functional analysis
- Modelling and design
- Simulation
- Optimisation
- Experimentation
- Visualisation
Our research is relevant to a range of industries including oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, polymers, food and beverage and consumer sectors. The Sargent Centre has a consistent record of attracting funding from UK Research Councils, UK and International industry, the European commission and other funding bodies. In the last five years this has amounted to grants of more than £30 million.