What we offer
Two EasyMax 102 reactors, two EasySampler probes, one OptiMax reactor and three ReactIR 15 systems (Mettler Toledo) for scale-up and kinetics studies through:
- In situ analysis of chemical processes accross scales (2 mL ro 1 L)
- Advanced temperature control (-40 to 180 °C)
- Automated dosing pump
- Choice between magnetic or mechanical stirring
- Automated sampling, quench and dilution with EasySampler
- In situ IR spectroscopy with ReactIR 15 probes
- Heat flow calorimetry with EasyMax 102 and OptiMax reactors
- Possibility of data recording from pH and other electrochemistry probes
Images Mettler Toledo system
What you get
- Optimization and scale-up, with full record of procedure and data
- Study of rection progress and measurement of kinetic parameters
- Investigation of reaction intemediate and reaction impurities
- Monitoring of hazardous reaction species and exothermic processes
- Operando studies of homogeneous and hetergeneous catalytic systems
- Collection of high quality, synchronized data from a range of probes
To find out more about our reaction kinetics platforms, contact us at ROAR@imperial.ac.uk
Contact us
Director: Prof Mimi Hii
Email: roar@imperial.ac.uk
The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London